Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

And now I'm bored

May 01 2007
1. Hi my name is...... Jaime Hollis Rhiannon Crabtree
2. Never in my life have I...... tried to replicate the Mythbusters tests
3. The one person who can drive me nuts is......... not here right now, please leave a message and he probably won't be able to dig himself out of that sandpit...
4. High school........is almost over!!!
5. When I'm nervous........ I start talking about random things and raking my hand through my hair
6. The last time I cried was......... a long time ago, I'm not a big crier
7. If I were to get married right now my wedding party would be.......... wondering what I was thinking and how fast they could get me out of it, as if I wasn't doing that already
8. My hair is.... freshly cut and a little shorter than I wanted it to be, but I'll deal
9. When I was 5.......... I was 5, not much else to say about that
10. Last Christmas........ I got a bunch of stuff I'll never use ^-^
11. I should be.... probably going to bed (or at least planning it anyway)
12. When I look down I ...... am avoiding eye contact or am thinking really hard
13. The craziest recent event was.... my friend John tellingme and my other friend Josh we have to learn the dance from FF8
14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be... Phoebe
15. By this time next year...... I'll be getting ready to graduate
16. My current gripe is...... School *hurry up and be over*
17. I have a hard time understanding... other women
18. There's this girl I know who... well let's not get into that shall we
19. You know I like you when... I tell you so
20. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be...... Leslie or who ever else was closest
21. Take my advice... nothing stays the same, it changes eventually, so love it while you have it
22. My most wanted item is... my own computer
23. If you visited the place I was born... you'd be kicked out by some rather confused new parents
24. I plan to.... graduate and major in English
25. If you spend the night at my house... you wouldn't get a lot of sleep
26. I'd stop my wedding if.... I didn't want to go through with it, der
27. The world could do without... stupid people, nuff said
28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than... no, wait I'd never go near a cockroach
29. Most recent thing I've bought myself... killer shoes
30. Most recent thing someone else bought me... lunch a few days ago
31. My favorite blonde is... I have two, one's a natural blonde and I love her to poeces. The other... he just up and bleached his hair one day...
32. My favorite brunette is... I think she's asleep right now
33. My favorite redhead is... not a redhead anymore, she dyed her hair brown
34. My middle name is... Hollis Rhiannon
35. This morning I... Got up and went to school *blegh*
36. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are... people
37. Once, at a bar... I ran into a preist and a rabbi
38. Last night I was... trying to get some sleep
39. There's this guy I know who... will soon be spending some quality time in a straight-jacket
40. I don't know... what the heck I was thinking when I decided to post this quiz
41. A better name for me would be.... I like my name thank you!
42. Tomorrow I am... doing almost the exact same thing I'm doing today
43. My birthday is... March 2nd 1990
44. What I really want for Valentine's Day is... for Valentine's day to be banned (I hate Valentine's Day)
45. I am allergic to.... pretty much everything

Sorry guys I got really bored

beth cooper

May 02 2007
haha thats great, much like something i would do. (and i say we start a group whose goal is to ban valentine's day.)