Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Razzles: First it's candy, then it's gum!

April 30 2007

Fine Arts was amazing!! Almost half of our entries advanced, and a few of our entries won first place.

 The best part in my opinion isn't the competiotion, it's the fact that I bought some killer shoes! They were $4.99, it was tax free weekend, they were the last ones in stock, and they were in my size. Heck yes I was getting them! They absolutlely rock!

Now I'm waiting for class to get out, and am fuming slightly at the college kids that don't have school anymore. Jerks.We've got about three weeks left, not counting finals (which I have to take, stupid getting sick in January making me miss almost 2 weeks. Grrrrrr).

Let's see... what else...


Rebecca Jensen

April 30 2007
SHOES!!!! Your drama won and the best part of the weekend was shoes!!! Oh and we college students still have finals. I'm proud of you sweetie (like I haven't said it before.) <3

Jessica Jo

April 30 2007
Hey now missy. We aren't jerks....we earned getting out three weeks earlier than the high schools. You will get here one day. Love you doll.

The Capn

April 30 2007
it's finals week... not like we have it easy... punk

Becca Hicks

May 01 2007
bahaha. i'm sooo ready for nationals to be here NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Marybeth Jensen

May 01 2007
It may be just another test, but it's another test OVER THE WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR!!! -panicked look-

Marybeth Jensen

May 01 2007
Yes darling, but, you see...you go to a public school where education is...asi asi. I go to a private school where you have to take Latin. Seriously. I don't think these tests are going to be...easy. In fact, from what i'm told...they are super hard.

Jeana Lewis

May 03 2007
Actually, more than half of our entries advanced. 14 advanced and 11 didn't. WOO HOO! FWC rocks! :o)