Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

I shot a man in Reno...

March 12 2007

Yes, I am at school and yes, I am bored.

Just waiting for something eventful to happen, we're watching a video on mutual funds in B.M. and I'm not really paying attention. I probably should be...

My friend Spencer and I got to talking about all the folks over in Ireland (including Adam, who had better be taking pictures!!!!!!) for St. Patrick's day. Our scenario managed somehow to change from a round of drinking songs to an attack of the IRA. And somehow another girl in our class wound up in it and it didn't bode well for her. She drank all the Guinnes in Ireland and managed to tick off the IRA, poor her.


March 12 2007
That thing with the stuff... Hmm.... I don't know when, but maybe yes.