Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question


October 20 2006

I've been drafted to cos-play at MTAC as a charecter from Final Fantasy. Translation: My friend John wants me to dress up as a femal charecter from a video game/movie for a convention. My choice is difficult so I'm bringing in you folks to help me.

Tifa Lockheart: Final Fantasy VII (and in Advent Children)

Tifa is one of the central charecters. In VII she ran a bar and kicked some mega butt, she did the same in a much more modest costume in Advent Children. Tifa is a heck of a fighter, using her fists and feet instead of a weapon. She is a very outspoken, motherly, and has the personalaty of someone whose been there.

Renoa Heartilly: Final Fantasy VIII

Renoa is very ouspoken, compassionate, and spirited, and a key charecter in the game she is quite ofthen the damsel-in-distress, but she manages to get the cute guy to come get her out of it or she does it herself. She helps prevent the takover of an evil sorceress and aquires the powers herself, but not by choice.

final fantasy VII: advent children:tifa Tifa kicking some but, this is the costume I plan on using.

Rinoa_Jill Rinoa is the one in the long blue duster, the other woman is her mom

TrEe HuGgEr

October 20 2006
i really like tifa's costume but then again...i love the blue duster...

David Ambrose

October 21 2006
yes! yes! yes! FF7 is the best!!!!! i've seen the movie. i've beaten the game. and i have the new game but haven't played it. SWEET!!! And tifa is flippin awesome! But Cloud is still my boy. lol

Jamie Crabtree

October 21 2006
So is it for Tifa? Yes Cloud does rock my face , I claim his motorcycle!!!

Jessica Jo

October 23 2006
I LOVE my Jamie. Thanks for the hugs! <3 :0)

Chris Jensen

October 23 2006
I lean towards the Tifa costume