Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

I swear I'm going to become a hermit!

October 15 2006

I've spent the better part of my alone time, ALONE!!!

  I'm not complaining, it's just funny when an introvert introverts and finds themself to be one of those silent types.But then again, they wouldn't be an introvert if they weren't a silent type.

 Why this odd insight? It's all Sarah's fault!! For those of you who had the pleasure of meeting her today may have discovered her penchant for being loud and boistreous. Yes, I do socialize, otherwise I highly doubt any of you would realize I'm currently in existance.

 Seriously, if I didn't talk and just sat in the back with a book crammed onto my nose, you wouldn't see me. Talented little me has a gift for making herself invisible when she wishes, and sometimes when I don't wish it too.

  So now that I've poured out my strange thoughts and ramblings, how's everybody doing tonight?

th_thyoulooklikeafish.png  Just to make some of you laugh and/or smile.

Jessica Jo

October 16 2006
I don't believe if you just sat in the back of the room with a book no one would notice you. You are too beautiful not to be noticed. I love you. <3

TrEe HuGgEr

October 16 2006
well, you made me laugh...and trust me...that is what Jennifer tends to do alot of the time at church... but i notice her every sunday...the nose in book sitting quietly part...i think the quieter and more preserved people are...the more that attracts me to noticing them and going to talk to them... for the reason that i was that exact way before coming to this church...well not exact...i wouldn't even read a book...i would just sit there thinking to my self..." self," i would say, "only 47 long. agonizing minutes until this is all over and i can go home..." sad yes i know...

TrEe HuGgEr

October 16 2006
oh, if that comment wasn't enough...lol... i less than 3 you!!! <3!!! lol...its like saying heart instead of love...i LOVE it...

TrEe HuGgEr

October 16 2006
^^^ i mean....i HEART it...

Jeana Lewis

October 16 2006
No one believes me when I say I'm an introvert. Maybe that's because I hardly ever shut up. I think I just have a large "space bubble" and require "alone time" on a regular basis or I turn into a screaming maniac! Okay, that's taking it a bit too far. But I do get sort of frantic feeling and cranky. As for shuting up... I guess I just have a lot of extremely important things to say!