Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

I love grandparents!

June 24 2006

Any agreements on that one?

My grandparents and my cousin are in town today. It's always fun when they come down. Dad and Pa go do their manly male-bonding thing, while we (me, Cami, Mom, Nana, and Jayda) go shopping.Great Fun, eh?

DANG!! This massive thunder clap just made me jump out of my seat.

We played in the rain at Krista's birthday party. That was some of the most fun I've had in a while, sure I got pegged with some hail but it was fun getting the lump on my head. We even splashed eahcother, me and Amanda even layed down in the mud!


June 24 2006
Alright for laying in the mud!!! woot woot! complete awesomeness!

Rebekah Lewis

June 24 2006
You need to ask your mum when you can come over so I know that I need to be awake before 12 o' clock...