Jamie Crabtree


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Siegel High


Good Question

Third Period Blues

May 04 2006
I absolutely hate third period, really I do. Someone get me out of here!!!!!

    Yeah, I'm on the slow computers again, Kproxy and the like today. It's probably the only chance I'll get to post today. I'm trying to steal Ciera's Ipod from her, she doesn't have the titles, so I'm curious.
 We had the English Gateway today. I was the first one done, and with an hour and a half to spare.Can you say "Read a book until all the lazy people who bite at English get done"? Yeah, it was really funny when Abby poked me in the side to bring me back into reality. I about fell out of my chair.
  I'm drowning out Chris Brown (that stupid song of his that they play way to much on the radio) with some good old fashioned RENT.
   "5250,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear
     525,600 minutes, how do you measure; measure a year?"
This is the good stuff right here man.
  Sorry, I tend to ramble sometimes. The Gateway was insultingly easy, I felt like I was back in 7th grade taking the TCAP (may it burn into a thousand tiny pieces), and I'm in Advanced Honors. That's just sad.
 *along with the TCAP tests, may rap burn into millions of little pieces* That is the 43rd time they've played that freakin' song!! I'm gonna go insane!! Once is enough, the entire class knows this song by heart now!!!

beth cooper

May 04 2006
i must agree with you about the rap part (except for toby mac, cuz i like him) but not about the TCAP, i mean come on easy test and then we watched movies for the rest of the day. i miss that.