Paul Morgan


Relationship Status





LEE University

Other Websites


October 19 2005

photo from Recklessmortal


October 17 2005
Alright guys, here's what I need.  There is a Stanford research project that uses private computers to do some of their calculations. Check it out here:

I downloaded the program and have started it. It uses just my system idle, so there is no performance decrease. I also started a team that I called "TTU Honors" and it was given the number 46775.

I've been challenged to see who can get the most points.  I need you guys to download the program and let it run in the background of your computer under my username.  You won't see any problems!

After the install, put in your username as Josh.D.M and put the number 46775 in the team number box to join the group.

I'm Gonna Win!!!!!!!!!

October 17 2005
This Tanmaniztheman99 kid got the most comments, and that's not cool...
I must Win.


Mark Turner?!?!

October 12 2005
I set up a meeting with Mark Turner to "discuss my relationship with Linda." I'm a little nervous but it's all good...

Peace out

Acid Reflux

October 08 2005
I have severe acid reflux burns on my larynx(sp?) and my vocal chords are swolen.
I'm not alowed to sing for at least a month and I've got a list of things to do like:
no caffine
no eating 3 hours before bed
tums after every meal
no tomato anything (including pizza)
no spicy food

This stinks. This explains why I'm always horse

Do I hear crying girls????

October 04 2005
I got a hair cut *incert weeping girls here*


October 03 2005
You are a
Social Conservative
(28% permissive)

and an...
Economic Moderate
(41% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test


September 29 2005
Two anouncements...
1)My website has a temporary shoutbox ( so you can leave me messages...

2)The COD2 Demo has been released and here are some screenshots:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5


September 27 2005
Hey everybody...
As some of yall know, since the Fine Arts in Denver I've had problems with my throat(I get horse all the time).
Well, I went to the doctor and he said it was probably one of two things.... Acid reflux (which would explain my constant heartburn), or nogels(sp?) on my vocal chords. I'm going to a specailist next thursday to find out which one it is. Either way it sux, cuz I might have to get surgery. I'm nervous.

September 27 2005


September 16 2005
Visit my website:
It's all done except the actual blog..

and everybody needs to come to the OHS game tonight... I'm in the homecoming court. You'll get to see me in a tux!!!


September 11 2005
Oh my gosh.....
My entire d drive is gone....
There was a problem while formating/installing windows (not my fault, but names will be left out to protect the guilty)....
All my pictures... all my poems.... all my downloads... all my drivers (graphics card/motherboard/lan/sound)... all my music (9 days worth).... all my website work that wasn't loaded onto the server (like my pictures pages).... ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MY BACKGROUNDS OVER 400 BACKGROUNDS (YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH TIME WENT INTO THAT)............all the music that I use on wednesday nights.... all my phone numbers....


Photo From Recklessmortal

September 10 2005

---Click pics for much bigger pics---

Things God has done

September 10 2005
I'm going to make a list of things god has done for me (other than things like "given me a loving family" kind of stuff, so here it goes:

  • god gave me a car for free

  • when that one broke, he gave me $2000 dollars to help with the next one

  • he gave me $20 from my boss (which he doesn't normaly do)

  • he gave me a $20 gift card from some random girl (she said she would never use it)

  • My gas tank and wallet was empty and I found 30 bucks in a parking lot

  • I was REALLY hungry the other day, and my teacher just happened to have 3/4 of a plate of chineese food that she didn't want

  • when I was really hurting for money he gave me a monitor which I sold for 50$ more than I bought it for

  • I had bills to pay in a week and god told me to put $50 dollars in missions (which made me lacking about $100 dollars for my bills)... Then I found a check under my bed for $150 which I guess I had lost...though I don't remember ever recieving that check...

  • I lost all my guitar picks, and then randomly found $5 in my shoe...

Those are just the ones I can think of right now...
I'm shure there are others

Another God Thing

September 09 2005
Today another person just walked up and handed me money........

God must love me or somethin...

Almost Done

September 09 2005
I am SOOOOOO close to being done with my website....

I'll post a link to it when I'm done, but all I've got left to do is to buy a domain, and put it on my friend's server...

I've got many tweaks left to do, but I'm done with the core of the site... All I'm adding now is fancy stuff...


September 08 2005
I just got off work (on my birthday) and I had one heck of a night...
150 college students all came in at once after some party thing or somthin and they said they would be back the same time next week... it was INTENSE!!!!!
My boss decided to thank me (he was very impressed with me I guess by the way he kept on saying how well I was doing).... so anyways... he decided to thank me with 20$ cash.... over my check... wow...

I'm not sure if he's ever done that before... God blesses people in the coolest ways...


September 08 2005
It's my birthday..... Celebrate me


September 07 2005
No one has commented on ANY of my pictures...
I want at least 3 comments (from differnet people) one each of my pictues....


September 06 2005

photo from meyekulheartsyou
