Paul Morgan


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LEE University

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September 27 2005
Hey everybody...
As some of yall know, since the Fine Arts in Denver I've had problems with my throat(I get horse all the time).
Well, I went to the doctor and he said it was probably one of two things.... Acid reflux (which would explain my constant heartburn), or nogels(sp?) on my vocal chords. I'm going to a specailist next thursday to find out which one it is. Either way it sux, cuz I might have to get surgery. I'm nervous.

Russell Rodden

September 27 2005
That stinks man We'll be prayin for ya though


September 28 2005
i tried doing that color html thing you kind of explained to me & i couldn't get it to work & i could only find solid colors.. not something cool like you have

Mary Lauren

October 02 2005
wow that stinks...i definatly know what you are going through...i have nodes myself.