Paul Morgan


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LEE University

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July 24 2006
Well, I finished my last day at DQ today, yet it was not without frustration. When employees leave DQ, and are in good standing with the management it is customary for the owner to buy the leaving employee a cake. I did not receive one.

I'm not sure if I have ever felt as under appreciated as I have in my time at DQ. I feel as though I have been under payed, overworked, and under appreciated. When an employee works somewhere for a year, is never late, and NEVER misses a shift, and only called in sick twice you would think this employee would be valued. Especially since this is EXTREMELY rare behavior for a fast food employee. I also can work every position (Grill, Chill, Front and Drive through) while most only work one or two positions. So, being "valued" as I am I got a raise. I got a raise to a whopping $6 and hour. While other people I work with (Rebecca included) get far superior raises in a much shorter amount of time.

Why does someone who only works drive through, and only works it for a month, get a 75 cent raise?

I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting, but I feel extremely.... abused.
Like they saw that I wasn't going to quit because of my low pay so they
decided that they wouldn't give me one. I hate when I try to do the
right thing and I get stepped on for it.

1Peter 2:19--For God is pleased with you when, for the sake of your conscience, you patiently endure unfair treatment.

Jamie Crabtree

July 24 2006
If it makes you feel any better I'll bring you a cupcake on Wednesday.


July 24 2006
Sometimes, it's just how things roll...and it's frustrating as hell...

Stephen Slate

July 24 2006
Just to let you know Rich does that to all his valuable employees.....I should know I was there long enough to see most of them quit cause they were underpaid and overworked........but thats just how alot of fast food places work.......if they know they can get away without paying you more then they won't

Bill Morgan

July 24 2006
Been there. Done that. Sometimes life (work) stinks and is extremely unfair .... take with you the knowledge that you WERE a valuable employee. If they failed to recognize your worth ... that is their problem ... NOW, focus on what's ahead ... which is far more important ... Fine Arts ... and college.

Josh Morgan

July 25 2006
Hey man... It's good you stuck with it and didn't quit earlier out of frustration. Rest assured this won't be the last time that hard work and committment aren't appreciated. As you seem to know, what matters is being motivated to do your best, even when no one will notice.

Randy Lewis

July 25 2006
It is always best to do what is RIGHT! Colossians 3:23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism.

Randy Rodden

July 25 2006
wah wah wah.... That's all that I heard...

Meagan McCann

July 25 2006
i did! cuz i know yo love me... and hating and loving cant go together!!! lol! love you paul!!! meag