Paul Morgan
Relationship Status
LEE University
Favorite Music
Everything but rap and country
Favorite Movies
Balto, Fiddler on the Roof, and all Jackie Chan
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July 24 2006
I'm not sure if I have ever felt as under appreciated as I have in my time at DQ. I feel as though I have been under payed, overworked, and under appreciated. When an employee works somewhere for a year, is never late, and NEVER misses a shift, and only called in sick twice you would think this employee would be valued. Especially since this is EXTREMELY rare behavior for a fast food employee. I also can work every position (Grill, Chill, Front and Drive through) while most only work one or two positions. So, being "valued" as I am I got a raise. I got a raise to a whopping $6 and hour. While other people I work with (Rebecca included) get far superior raises in a much shorter amount of time.
Why does someone who only works drive through, and only works it for a month, get a 75 cent raise?
I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting, but I feel extremely.... abused.
Like they saw that I wasn't going to quit because of my low pay so they
decided that they wouldn't give me one. I hate when I try to do the
right thing and I get stepped on for it.