Paul Morgan
Relationship Status
LEE University
Favorite Music
Everything but rap and country
Favorite Movies
Balto, Fiddler on the Roof, and all Jackie Chan
Other Websites
January 31 2006
have you ever wished that you could do more
January 31 2006
more of what? more of stepping out and being a witness to those around you? more of letting others see the light? more of what? more of being a friend to those who need your friendship? more of a prayer partner to those who asked you for prayer, encouragement, and friendship? more of what?
This is what I wish that I could be more of.......and I wish that some of my fellow CHRISTIANS could be more of all of this too......
justin daniels
January 31 2006
More and more each day,my friend.
And not only more,but better,too....I don't want to just do more,i want to be able to do better while doing more.
Linda Turner
January 31 2006
Yes, I depends on what you mean. Oh, and I can't move out. Where would I go? then there would be a for sure zero chance of any education after high school. Unless.......
Rebecca Jensen
January 31 2006
All you can do is what you can... then God does the rest.... I'm sorry...