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Oakland High School

School News

August 11 2006

So yesterday was the first day of School.

1st: AP Chemistry II (Mrs. Ragland): Every walked into a class and felt (in the nicest way possible) that you were gonna be the top student? Yeah, that's how that class feels. Blake Keach is in there, so it won't be so bad. Mrs. Ragland seems alot nicer than she did two years ago.

2nd: AP Calculus (Mr. McClellan): This class is a disappointment already. There's no one in there that I don't know. I'm not used to having Brionna and PJ without having Katie and Drew. They'll probably switch their schedule so they'll be in the same classes. I'm glad that Sarah, Aysha, Michele, and Blake are in there.

3rd: Wind Ensemble (Mr. Jessup and Mr. Way): All the band students schedules are messed up right now, so I'm like the only clarinet in there. It'll be fixed soon, but I'm sure that we'll have a really small class.

4th: AP English IV (Mrs. Jackson): This class is also very small. I wonder why.

5th: Chamber Choir (Mrs. Petrone): Every wanted to know what would happen if you put 3 band students in Choir? Well you're going to find out. Danielle, Jacob, and I are now part of the Choir Family. Danielle was like, "I'm glad you're in here, because I don't know any of these people!"

I know pretty much ALL of the Chamber Choir singers, but there's still that feeling of being a stranger trying to fit in a place. And in this place, I have to prove my worth. It's weird when you realize that you're with the BIG DOG singers and it's your first and only year. I mean I look at the guy singers, and I'm like, "There's no way that I'm gonna fit in."

I know it's only been one day, and it's probably just premature feeligns that I have, but nevertheless it feels weird.

I don't have many guy friends who I just "hang out" with. You could probably find me with a group of girls 99% of the time at school.

I expect Choir to be a MAJOR learning experience.

I have no 6th period right now, because apparently, American Business Legal Systems couldn't fit into my schedule. I guess I'll just have to take Government and make an easy A.

This is the year I expect to have to work hard, not only study-wise, but music-wise as well.

I have something to prove, but it's rather to myself than to others.

On another note, Grace can't be in Chamber Choir. So much for spending time during school.


Good pictures (A first in like 10 years)

August 09 2006

My Senior Pictures turned out way better than I thought.

These are the ones that I like the most:

(The lighting made it look like I was wearing earrings...)

(Pretty much the only picture that I like that I'm smiling in...)

And for the professional look:

Yeah, so there ya have it.

I guess that makes me a law-violator since they're all copyrighted.

I won't tell the police if you don't.


DDR Craze

August 08 2006

I can NOT find that game ANYWHERE! Of course that's just my luck to start liking a game when stores stop carrying it!

Apparently, Both Wal-marts, Target, Hastings, Rhino's, Media Replay, and K-Mart are all in CAHOOTS to keep me from the game I want so much.

Now I have to go all the way to Wal-mart so I can buy myself a giftcard, then come all the way back to the computer to Shop at Wal-mart.com and spend the money on that giftcard to order a DDR Bundle Pak and another Pad. THEN I will have to wait about a week to get the game, unless I spend money for 2-day shipping, but that's like 30 extra bucks!

Pant. Pant.

So besides that. Nothing much going on.


Senior Year

August 05 2006

My schedule for next year looks something like this:

AP English IV

AP Calculus

AP Chemistry

ABLS/College Prep

Wind Ensemble

Chamber Choir

Yeah. Difficult classes with a twinge of Music.

We had the Band Banquet last night. It was more fun towards the end.

Nothing more to say.


"Wiping the worry sweat away", "DDR Another Day", and "Pirates, Anchors Away!"

August 03 2006

He was stung about 6 times in the back, when the wasps went into his shirt as he left the band room. He went to the hospital, and they examined him, and apparently they found an egg or larva in one of the stung areas, so they had to remove that. Then, they had to sedate him because his arm was locked out of place when he was trying to get the wasps out of his shirt. They left the stingers in, saying that it would be too much trouble to take them out. Maybe there's more, but I don't know.

I'm glad he's okay.

A weird thing about him is that he wants to do Winter Guard. He doesn't look like the Winter Guard type, but he's like crazy about it. Never seen some guy so pumped up for guard since myself. Well, myself and Spencer Ford.

I saw Blake Keach at school today, when I was returning from sectionals in the History Hallway. He was helping his guardian since she is now a teacher at Oakland in Mr. Davis' room by the cafeteria.

I played Dance Dance Revolution for the first time today during lunch break. It was SO much fun and addictive. It's almost MORE fun to just watch someone else play, while you pretend like you're playing by stepping on an imaginary pad.

I have the habit of moving my feet back to the center of the pad, when I don't have to. It makes it more difficult when I do that. I also jump alot while playing and I'm sure it's funny to watch me go at it.

That game is now at the top of my list for Most Wanted Games. I traded learning guard work for playing it. Do you realize how much I LOVE learning guard work? It takes something MAJOR to top guard.

I went to the movies with Stephanie, Holly, Matt, Cory, Chris, Ari, and Lindsay today after band and went to see Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest. Awesome movie, completely recommend it.

Very eventful day, with it's ups and ups. Let's see what tomorrow holds.


Perfectionism, "It's a small world after all", and "Maybe you shouldn't count on me"

August 02 2006

Mitchell Way is more than I could've asked for as a director. He's a perfectionist, like me, so when he taught sectionals today, everything was just like I had hoped it would be.

We didn't realize it until today, but Mr. Way and I have met each other before. It was at a Mid-state rehearsal when we had lunch break. I went with my friend Bethany Green and the White House High School kids to CC's Pizza. Mr. Way was still their band director at the time, so he was there, too. Bethany introduced us.

And because we have Mr. Way, the clarinet section is moving along like it should.

On a sad note, a member of the Oakland Band was attacked by hornets during lunch break, and he had to go to the hospital. He's really allergic, so it's a blessing that he's okay. I had gone to eat at Blue Coast Burrito during lunch, when I usually stay in the band room and practice my Guard work. I wanted to stay behind, but I also wanted to make Mrs. Jones (Rachel's mother) happy, since she invited me.

The ambulance he was in pulled off just as we arrived back at the Band Room, and I felt very bad at the time. I mean, it's not like he's dead or anything, but I wish that I had been there for him.

I tend to feel guilty when the slightest thing happens to a friend if I'm not there to help them when I had the choice to be. It's not that I'm afraid that people will think "O, Danny's not here, he doesn't care," or anything like that, but I feel that I'm not upholding my end of the friendship but letting another person get in harm's way.

I just fear that someday I'm not going to be there when I'm truly needed, and my world will fall apart because of it.


August 01 2006

The way these clarinets play make me wanna plug up my ears.

Which is why I cannot wait to be in NYS, if I decide to go through with it.

I say it many times, but still, it is sad that there is no one else who I can depend on in the section, music-wise. I don't usually mess up the music for the most part, but when I do, it would be nice if there was someone who I can trust to....what's the word?.....do it perfectly in my place? Yeah I think that's what I'm trying to say.

Nobody in the section has anything near my motivation, and it's sad. How am I supposed to become better, if all I have to go on is the motivational thought "Just make sure I don't sound like them" ?

By the way it sounds, the whole section sounds like 7th or 8th graders. And I don't know how it is to be helped.

Do you ever watch other bands from the sidelines at football games and look at specific sections and think "They sound horrible!"?  Yeah I don't wanna be part of a section that gets talked about in such a way. But I fear that that is how it is going to be.

Does it really take that much for someone to just pick up their instrument at home and...I don't know..Practice? There's not really a reason why we should have to go over the same parts of the music in sectionals over and over and over again, day after day after day.

Now I understand why Chris refused to play some of the time. Luckily for him, he had Nicole and me. Who do I have? You fill-in-the-blanks.

Then it makes me wonder about Concert Band. Am I going to have to sit through the same thing? By the same thing, I mean getting the music down early and have to wait for the moment when the others TRY to practice. Senior year is supposed to be both a bunch of work and a BLAST, but I don't think that hating the class that relates to what I plan to major in will help me very much.

I can't keep resting on "If Onlys".

On an unrelated note, Michele Royer's senior pictures turned out great.

I've learned the rifle and the sabre phrases of the show.

I've drawn another picture, but I'm not sure if I'm done with it or not. I'll upload it when I feel like it.

I find that I'm hungry every hour or so nowadays. It's weird.

Dang you, metabolism, I'm trying to gain weight, not lose it!

Our new Assistant Band Director, Mr. Way(diff spelling?) is a pretty cool guy. He's a saxophone player, so that's pretty close to the clarinet. He probably won't be able to supply me my clarinet skill needs, but it looks like he's the closest that I'm going to get.

There's not much else to talk about.


Clarinet Achievements

July 29 2006
Okay, so the section isn't holding me back as much as I say. They're coming along, but not as fast as they should in the time we have left. By the time they get the music down, it'll be time for next marching season.

So I hit a SUPER C today. Then I hit a SUPER D. I'm very happy. Of course, getting those notes will have no effect in anything, besides maybe a great finish for a marching show or whatever.

But still. Since I'm so pumped, I guess I could try to pick up the Mid-state music again, even though I was gonna let it rest for a week, but I'll quit the week 2 days early.

There's so much that I expect from myself, but this puts things on a WHOLE new level.


Camp Blues

July 27 2006

The strings that bind me to the clarinet section are making me lag behind in this race for greatness. And unfortunately, I have no other choice but to pull forward by myself.

A man has only so much strength.


Sleeve-less Band Day #1

July 26 2006

So today was Day 3 of Band Camp. The first day with everybody there.

If only I could get the clarinets to practice....WAIT! This just in! TWO clarinets practiced today! I'm so PROUD of them!!

I'm.......BALD!!! Well, 99%. It's not that bad, as long as I'm not looking at it.

Being shirtless makes me SO self-conscious. But today I was sleeveless. Yet still, I wanted to like put on a different shirt. But I didn't.

I think that Tennessee Tech is where I wanna go for college.

8 to 6 practice tomorrow.


Shirtless Band Day #1

July 24 2006

Yes. We had band this morning from 8 to 12 and the last hour I was shirtless.

Turns out the way to get Marissa to do everything perfect is to take your shirt off.

I think that everything from now on will be great.


On the Job

July 22 2006

So, I'm at work. Not completely bored, but it's kinda sad that I'm on lunch break and I have nothing to do.

Anti-social? Maybe a little.

To her:

I've like you longer than anyone before,

so why am I ready to give up in an instant?

When I heard your voice over the phone, everything was perfect,

but why is it that I question the feelings I have for you?

When they say nothing about love makes sense,

I believe them.

Because no matter where I aim,

my feelings have no direct target anymore.


2nd night

July 20 2006

Marissa is a problem to the clarinet section, and the problem will be resolved.

We might have 17 clarinets this year.

Freshmen clarinet players think my playing so well is scary.

I will not give up. I will reach clarinet supremeness!



July 19 2006

So, I called people up today to make sure they were practicing, because I am the self-created Practicing Police. And suddenly I had the idea to call Grace.

So I did. I asked her how her summer was going and the such. We talked for about a minute or two. She said it was nice to hear from me, which made my day even better.

I started the comic a few weeks back, and here's the first page:

Except for a few differences. [The big rock is the earth] I also drew Rachel and Kelsey for the title page, which I have to find a way to make:

The marching music isn't very difficult for me, but the rest of the clarinet section needs a little help. Of course, this is the time where I help them, since that's what section leaders do.

I will do what I can to make the clarinet section the best it's ever been.



July 18 2006

First night of Band Camp is tonight, in about an hour.

I can't wait to hear the first way-out-of-tune note. It's the sign that it's gonna be a great year.



Band was okay. I wish there were more people who could play well so we wouldn't sound like a freshman band. Many people didn't come back to band. This is gonna be a tough season, but I think we shall overcome to become great!

:End Edit:


July 14 2006

So I had my photo session today. It was completely different from how I thought.

I mean, I thought that it would be me and the photographer alone on the setting.

No. There's like 20+ people there, and they take us like 3 at a time. So I get to be looked at while I'm taking my pictures. Joy.

My mother and my 3 younger siblings had to be there. My mother doesn't seem to understand that there's some things you just don't say.

She's like "MAKE IT LOOK NATURAL, NOT LIKE THIS!" And she makes an ugly grimace. Thank you mother for making my pictures so much harder.

So the pictures inside go great.

Then I go outside in my all black, so I look kind of professional. And I take a picture with my clarinet. (Pretty sure I looked funny, but oh well). The photographer loved to take pictures when I wasn't ready.

She also wouldn't let me get away with a closed-mouth smile. She would wait and make faces and stuff to get me to smile big. But the good thing about that is that making someone laugh brings out the natural smile whether they want it or not.

There's also a person there to cover the sun with a shield.

It's kinda makes you feel self-concious when there's someone in sunglasses standing less than 2 feet away watching you, when you know that they know that you know that you look stupid.

I hate looking stupid in front of people, but then again, I'm sure they see 50 people a day looking stupid.

Overall, I think it went well.

Band will start in 4 days. That leaves me 3 days to get my playing up to the "THAT FIRST CHAIR CLARINET PLAYER IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING" level.

The things I do for recognition.


More Results.

July 11 2006

Mail came.

Got a "1" on APUSH exam. I am not good with History.

Got a "3" on Statistics exam. Hallelujah.

At least I didn't waste $136. Only $68.


Nothing ever happens as planned

July 05 2006

So the plan was simple:

Call her house, leave a message on the answering machine.

I had the message all written out so I wouldn't freeze up by the time I was supposed to say something.

So I call at about 8:40.

And her father (I think) picks up the phone.


"Hello? May I speak to Grace?"

Turns out she was in her pool. So I ask if today was her birthday, and yes it is. "Does she need to call you back?"

I told him not really, just tell her that I called.

And he asked me for my name, and I thanked him.

and that was that.

Nothing ever works out as planned.

Which is a good thing, because it always turns out better.



July 05 2006

What a boring 4th.

Her birthday is today, or at least I'm pretty sure it is.



July 03 2006

28 on my ACT. So happy. 31 in English, 30 in Math, 25 in Reading, and 27 in Science.

That's pretty much all I have to say.


Updates and doing-greats

June 27 2006

Started an outline for the first comic (finally!).

Band Camp...can not wait.

Working out is going well, now that I'm eating better. I see some arm development.

But of course I didn't make a Phusebox to talk about muscles.

"The endurance of a dream that lives again.

A heart which has hope to surmount them all.

To see the future, look through the eyes.

Death as eminent as the pall.

The rights of a life to survive.

Willing to express with no limitation.

Have the dream to be free.

Hold on to happiness with no expiration.

Forever and always, to thee I give.

My soul, my all, the song I sing,

No other, of which to grant my pain.

With all my might, the bells I ring.

To have and to hold, for silver, for gold,

to cherish and to love, for all that is true,

for richer, for poorer, I give you my heart.

With all that's within me, I do."


Yesterday was very eventful

June 23 2006

Had a lady faint when I was putting groceries in her car. Turns out she was pregnant and hadn't been eating and was dehydrating...

And so I go buy her a bottle of water, and then some other lady approaches me while I'm putting someone else's groceries away, and yells at me, saying how I always walk away when she needs package help and is sick of it and sick of me and blah blah blah.

She so she stands there yelling at me in front of Dylan who is trying not to laugh, and she calls me a "little black bitch" and walks off to her car. Why she included "black" in there, I don't know. She is black too.

Thanks be to God that I do not have a temper. First, it cannot be me that she's talking about for 2 reasons. (1) I've NEVER seen her before. I remember the faces of people that I've taken groceries out for. (2) I've NEVER walked away from somebody with groceries when they needed me to bag them except for once, and that was because I was trying to buy for THE PERSON THAT WAS DYING OUTSIDE THE STORE, so I told Dylan to buy them for me.

Gah-lee. I think that the Angry lady was talking about a guy named Patrick for two reasons. (1) We're both black, and he's almost my height and such. And (2) he is known to walk away from a package help.

So yeah she comes back inside, and talks to the manager (Tommy), who tells her to write down her complaint and he'll give it to the head manager (Eric). As she walks out she saying some other stuff, but I don't quite catch it. Of course Tommy and the rest of the workers in the store take my side, because, well, It's ME. I'm not known to cause any trouble whatsoever, especially with customers, who I treat with all the respect I can.

So yeah, Eric's gonna have some words to say to me when I get there Saturday, I suppose. But he's not gonna believe it either.

It's summer fever.


Taking drawing to a different level

June 16 2006

Allrighty now.

So lately, I've been thinking about making the heroes look different in hero-form than they do in human-form. As you can see in the Jessica picture, which I put up a while back, they look different.

But recently, I looked at some senior pics I was given, and decided to try to draw the person close to how they actually look.

My friend Malory's picture was the one I chose to do first, since I had already made her into a hero a LONG time back. So first, here is the picture she gave me:

And here is the drawing:

And here is Both:

I actually surprised myself with this, because last time I tried to draw someone and make it look like their real picture, the lips were too big, and the hair wasn't right, and the nose was flared and blahblah etc.

I wasn't that difficult to draw, but there isn't really a way that I can make ALL the heroes look like their actually person. So, this may be a one-time deal.

So there ya have it, more pictures by Danny.

ACT plus

June 10 2006
You may think me super weird or something.
But I'm pretty sure the ACT was one of the EASIEST tests I've taken in a while.

Saw Nathan Perry, Scott Willis, Rachel Lefever, Kedrick Howse, Chaisson Allen, Alex Burkhart, Jennifer May, and hung out with Tiffany Luker.
The first three I haven't seen since Central.
Well besides Scott. Saw him at Mid-state tryouts, band comps, football games. All Band things.

And I think the worst feeling in the world is when an old friend doesn't want to talk to you.
But then again, what you dish out, you receive in full+.

It's weird to realize how many old friends you DON'T miss. You might have been close with them then, but as life passed, you grew up, they grew up, both grow apart. Unpurposely.
And that's life.

So on to Band. I bought a box of reeds, and they cost me $25. I knew I should've bought out Mr. Lawson.
I also bought a Metronome/Tuner. Finally.

1st chair Mid-state. I'm coming for ya!


June 08 2006

You see this?! "Most Improved Junior Award" presented to Danny Jones. I have to live up to it better. I need to practice more.

So I had this dream last night that I got 1st Chair 1st band at Mid-state. What a dream that was! It could be a reality soon enough.

Will it happen?

We'll see.

Gotta practice!
