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Oakland High School


August 01 2006

The way these clarinets play make me wanna plug up my ears.

Which is why I cannot wait to be in NYS, if I decide to go through with it.

I say it many times, but still, it is sad that there is no one else who I can depend on in the section, music-wise. I don't usually mess up the music for the most part, but when I do, it would be nice if there was someone who I can trust to....what's the word?.....do it perfectly in my place? Yeah I think that's what I'm trying to say.

Nobody in the section has anything near my motivation, and it's sad. How am I supposed to become better, if all I have to go on is the motivational thought "Just make sure I don't sound like them" ?

By the way it sounds, the whole section sounds like 7th or 8th graders. And I don't know how it is to be helped.

Do you ever watch other bands from the sidelines at football games and look at specific sections and think "They sound horrible!"?  Yeah I don't wanna be part of a section that gets talked about in such a way. But I fear that that is how it is going to be.

Does it really take that much for someone to just pick up their instrument at home and...I don't know..Practice? There's not really a reason why we should have to go over the same parts of the music in sectionals over and over and over again, day after day after day.

Now I understand why Chris refused to play some of the time. Luckily for him, he had Nicole and me. Who do I have? You fill-in-the-blanks.

Then it makes me wonder about Concert Band. Am I going to have to sit through the same thing? By the same thing, I mean getting the music down early and have to wait for the moment when the others TRY to practice. Senior year is supposed to be both a bunch of work and a BLAST, but I don't think that hating the class that relates to what I plan to major in will help me very much.

I can't keep resting on "If Onlys".

On an unrelated note, Michele Royer's senior pictures turned out great.

I've learned the rifle and the sabre phrases of the show.

I've drawn another picture, but I'm not sure if I'm done with it or not. I'll upload it when I feel like it.

I find that I'm hungry every hour or so nowadays. It's weird.

Dang you, metabolism, I'm trying to gain weight, not lose it!

Our new Assistant Band Director, Mr. Way(diff spelling?) is a pretty cool guy. He's a saxophone player, so that's pretty close to the clarinet. He probably won't be able to supply me my clarinet skill needs, but it looks like he's the closest that I'm going to get.

There's not much else to talk about.


Ben Moser

August 01 2006
hey danny. it sounds like you are focusing too much on the negative here. and i am going to be honest with you because i think you can take it. to be a successful leader you have to be a good motivator and you can't dwell on the negative. you have to look at potential and you have to encourage encourage encourage. if i was in your clarinet section and i read this post, i would have lost both trust and respect for you as my section leader. there is a reason that you are section leader, and you are going to be a better musician than your entire section. come up with positive things to focus on. if you need to during camp, set aside some time in sectionals, and instead of playing, talk to your section about what it is hoping to accomplish this year. give them goals. i think you can be a great leader, but i think that you have to remember that it isnt about how YOU sound. one band: one sound. motivate your section and pull the best out of them. go get em danny.


August 02 2006
woah, i think ben said it here. but i do want to add...you say they sound like 7th and 8th graders. yes. most of the clarinets are coming from middle school so it's only natural that they sound like incoming freshman. but all you need to do is motivate them. maybe set aside practice outside of band? that's what the pics are doing. granted 3 pics getting together is a lot less planning and such than a whole clarinet section...just a thought...and it must be hard being the oldest/most experienced when everyone else is 2 or 3 years younger than you, but that's when you need to come in and motivate everyone and keep them going. and danny, dont be negative. focus on the positive. this season is just beginning to unfold. you have no idea who might surprise you by the end of this year.


August 07 2006
"There's not really a reason why we should have to go over the same parts of the music in sectionals over and over and over again, day after day after day."---just like guard. mr waters gets so pissed bc we have to work on the same things bc people dont practice. its really frustrating bc its not hard to practice for a little each day. and i heard some freshmen saying omg im so happy i dont have to practice until thursday and im like wtf no you are going to practice before then or you are going to suck and make everybody mad at you.