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Oakland High School

You don't know how much you missed someone till you see them again.

May 19 2006

Got MY PERMIT! Finally...

Saw Jake Thomas at the Driving Station. Man, I haven't seen him in like a year and a half.

It's hard to let go of people when they don't say good-bye. I mean, friends mean a lot to me, and for them to just walk out of my life like they didn't know me hurts my heart more that I can describe.

I mean like most of the seniors in band. None of them said a word besides Erin. It's like no one cares. IF they cared, wouldn't they at least make a Will and Testament?

For those of you who don't know, that's where the seniors in band write down memories and final words for the band members. Apparently, no one besides Erin, Leah, and Becky cared that they were leaving people behind. Everyone else didn't make one or just wrote to other seniors.

Is that fair to those of us who truly loved those seniors? I don't think so.

Say Good-bye.

I'll miss you either way.



May 19 2006


May 19 2006
im so proud of you! & we wont forget you... its kind of hard to

Becky A.

May 19 2006
I agree. I got so mad when I relalized that only 4 GIRLS had actually made out wills. That's ridiculous but whatever. I will definitely see you tomorrow morning and give you a big hug or if you see me first you better do that same!

Drink Dajen

May 20 2006
congrats... im glad you finally got your permit. :D things are all turning out afterall.. wouldn't you say so?