♥...blue eyes...♥


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the passing face.....

October 20 2008

what if...we had never met.  an idea that for the past years, i have pushed out of my head.  a thought i never wanted to think about.  but what if.  if i had never met you......so we "fast forward."  i don't know you.  you don't know me.  on a busy street, we're both walking...opposite directions.  we lock eyes...what runs through my head?  what through yours?  would you have fallen in love with me....would i have returned the favor?  who would you be in that life?  would i be different?  knowing who we both are now...what would i have thought of you?  would you be just like you are...or different....or would you even cross my mind a second time.  maybe you would have been just another face on a busy street...just trying to get to wherever your life was taking you.  without me....so then...in that regard...would you then be the one chasing?  or maybe we would both move on.  just a second on a street.  say we meet again.  would you talk to me...not knowing anything?  how would i respond...i wonder.

i can tell you what i would be.  i would be just another person.  i would see you, really see you.  i would be much different, this i know for a fact.  you changed my life, how could i be the same without you?  i would listen, just as i always have.  you would cross my mind...every day, constantly.  your face would have still stood out in my mind from millions.  i wouldn't move on...i would walk on...but not move on.  i would tell you, when we met again, that it wouldn't be the last time.  at least i would hope.  but if you were the same person you are now....would it be?


October 20 2008
who is this about???

Erin:: lub my flower.

October 21 2008
i dont know. but it is gorgeous.

Jacob Wuertz

October 25 2008
That's deep.