♥...blue eyes...♥


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September 19 2007

okay so...sadly, mr. meise (the choir director)...well his mother passed away.  so today, they had to go to the memorial service.  and because i am president, i was left with the duty of leading the rehearsal.  Me and Hallie were up there and i was on the grand piano...r.b. was on the clavi and yeah.  i played the alto part and my hands hurt so bad because i had to BANG on that piano (a grand piano, might i remind you!) because they couldn't hear it.  apparently, they are deaf.  they can't hear a part, they can't hear the piano, and they can't hear anything i'm saying.  and if they can, they just don't do it.  some of them do VERY well..but some just don't hardly DO anything at all.  so yeah.  but i guess all in all it was a pretty successful rehearsal.  the altos really did about the same as they always do, and they actually kinda did listen to us and didn't talk to awful much.  but you have to be loud, which i am good at, but for some reason, my voice feels so stressed!  GRR homecoming is the night right before freshman honors auditions...and thursday is the late night and i will be major sleep deprived...niether of which are good for a voice.  O well...even after i say all this stuff about how crazy it all is, in the end i always look back and i know that i love music and i love teaching and i really do!  so i guess that's all.

WOW that was a lot longer than i thought it would be....but this was what was buzzing around in my head.  so there.


September 19 2007
which group are you in ?

♥...blue eyes...♥

September 19 2007
i'm in the freshman women's choir