♥...blue eyes...♥


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June 12 2007

i wish some of my friends would believe in my dreams a little more.  i know that my biggest one right now probably won't happen, but i have faith that it could.  And just because something happens the same way the first few times, it doesnt mean it will never work.  i mean look at Abraham Lincoln.  he failed more than a lot of us ever have.  and he was one of the greatest presidents ever elected.  so right now i'm hoping and praying and wishing and dreaming that this one time this one dream will work out in the end.  because my wishes might come true.  i believe it.



June 12 2007
Ahh, the longing to be respected even if it doesn't seem like it could ever happen. : ) God believes in dreams.

Rachael Moore

June 13 2007
a few years ago i had a big dream. and for a little while my friends were by my side supporting me. they slowly dwindled off, losing faith that it could ever happen. i was alone in believing it could ever happen. and it took some time, but in the end it did happen. my dreams came true. don't give up just because everyone else stops believing. dreams can indeed come true! :)