The world around me is hooked up

June 12 2006
It's official, the world around me is hooking up. There was Beth, then Megan and Jackie, now Kaitlin and Baillie. The only ones left on the singles list is seems is Nicky, myself, and Nick Lachey. Its cool that there is not significate other for my right now, but it kind of sucks hearing about it all. I am happy for them all, but I can't help think of the loneliness and asking the ohh so popular question, "What is wrong with me?" Maybe I just want someone to fill that empty spot in the pit of my stomach, the one that can't be filled with food, or that vacant corner of my heart which even the best of friends can't even get close to touching. Maybe I would like someone to be with where I can test my new strength I think I have that I didn't the last relationship. Or what if I am so shallow that I just want a boyfriend because it seems like that is the thing to have? But then again I think of all the heartbreak that follows and God knows I have had too much of that lately.

beth cooper

June 13 2006
thats ok im single too. youll find someone dont worry about it.

Beth Farrar

June 13 2006
i love you emily!