Oakland Band


Relationship Status



Oakland High School




July 09 2006

ok edits from the last post from erin and katie

-going crazy for dci

-not being able to believe it will ever end

-you will drink after anyone, whether you know them or not

-sectional inside jokes that no one else really needs to understand

-playing truth or dare on the back of the bus

 -those bag things that keep your hands warm!

-ending up with someone elses band uniform

and from me

- trying to understand lawsonisms on the practice field

- being moved/moving people back in the food line, the uniform line, the bathroom line, and any other line due to seniority

- being so anxious during awards taht you are hold the hands of  10 people at the same time, and making it a tradition

- having a band family, including a band mom, a band aunt, a band sister, a band baby, and any other relation you can think of

- "finding your center" untill you think your "center" will explode

- being geek enough to be the keeper of 2 band sites... anonymously