Oakland Band


Relationship Status



Oakland High School




June 18 2006

first day of band is one month from today.  yay! 

from what i hear some of you dont know what the camp schedule is so...

July 18  6:00  first instrumental

July 20  6:00 second instrumental

July 24-26 8:00 freshman precamp

July 27-28  8:00 full band precamp

July 31-Aug 4  8:00 Band camp

i dont have guard or percussion info, but if someone can pm it to me ill post it.  or ill just post it when i get a hold of it.  i really want this to be as much of a guard site as a band site.  so if you guys can keep me informed that would be quite helpful, because im going to try to keep this updated & full of info unlike the other "band site" we have.

Guard show camp

July 25-28   8-12 & 1-5

so there you go guard kids!


June 18 2006
ah!!!!!!!!!!! its unbearably close! i think ill explode now! *boom* *comes back from dead* and thanks for the dm support cause me and ari are totally gonna rock somethin heavy this year!!!