

Relationship Status



Duke University



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July 26 2005
I forgot to update for a while. Its nice to see so many comments! I liked writting that thing. Im gonna write a post like that.

! I-I 4 7 3 7 I-I ! $ $ U /\/\ /\/\ 3 I2
I2 3 4 I) ! /\/ 9.

9 I2 3 4 7 3 >< P 3 ( 7 4 7 ! 0 /\/ $ !$
7 3 I2 I2 ! 8 L 3.

! 7 I-I ! /\/ I( 7 I-I 4 7 ! 4 /\/\ 9 0 /\/ /\/ 4
9 0 I2 3 4 I).

( 4 L L /\/\ 3... 8938186.

L 4 7 3 I2 - J 4 ( 0 8

- edit

I was sad earlier that summer was almost over. Now I am happy. I dont know why. Okay then.

- edit

I had a good night. I walked around with my friends Matt and Jessica until around 10.It was fun... I feel dizzy. Gotta go.


July 26 2005


July 26 2005
that is so cool that u can write like that..im surprised i can read it lol..

Kelsey Mac

July 26 2005
Nope went to seigel


July 26 2005
no problem..haha thats awesome


July 26 2005
I'm sorta confused on the writing thing but i can make some of it out...well, I GOT MY PERMIT TODAY!!!! I can't believe i only missed five! Thanks for the timing advice though!


July 27 2005
thanks. :] [i can barely read any of that. heh.] love.

Jessica Carrozza

July 27 2005
hey u drunk lil man.