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Duke University



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Pretty Boring

July 21 2005
I didnt get to drive to day or do anything interesting. Oh well. Im fine. Wasnt a bad day, just not really fun. I live...

- edit

Im gonna write a poem so that yall will leave remarks. hmmm. okay heres one.

Walkin down the road
Feelin' pretty swell.
Then I find a toad
And a real strang smell
I sniff the little creature
To see if it is him
But then I notice something...

Okay that was goin nowhere...
Good Night.

Jessica Carrozza

July 21 2005
thats good... lol

Abby Dee

July 21 2005
what a wonderful poem.. very... unique =] :swell:


July 22 2005
you're silly.