Was that a "wasted" day or what?
June 15 2006
So I woke up at 8am and ate food and showered and stuff by 9.Then I hung around until about 10:30, at which time I went to my friends house.
He had already had two shots of Tequila and 3 beers. NOT SMART! He drank 6 more and we finally got him to stop and started walking him around to get him sober. I was tryin to keep him away from doorbells, porto-potties, and trash cans (all of which he wanted to mess with) and spent the next 3-4 hours pickin him up and pushin him past trouble. He then drank 6 more beers because his buzz was gone and he was feeling bad. This takes us to the total of his 15 beers. I was tryin to be a good friend and stop him, but it took his sister to finally stop it. Last I heard, he was in the bathroom, stripped down, sleeping, crouched over the toilet. He had his fun, but now lets see how fun it is! Right?
I then just went and played flashlight tag with a bunch of little kids. Good way to spend an hour.
Oh yea! I got a date tomorrow. Lol. Wish me luck.