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Duke University



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LOSER FACE in a Chinese Fire drill

February 02 2006

I'm feelin like a total LOSER FACE with no comments after like a week. I guess its my fault for forgetting to comment on others, maybe because I keep forgetting I don't know. I dressed up wacky tacky today and was one of like 5. That was embarrassing so I kinda hid it.

I gotta stop this negative thing...


Hilarious Story- This morning's excitement

We were on the way to school and my mom said that my sister was gonna be late since we had to take me first. We noticed that my neighbor Ashley was in front of us on HighWay 99. We called her house to get her cell phone number, called her cell, and asked if I could run and get in her car. She said yes and my mom yells, "RUN! RUN! RUN!" So I grabbed my bag flew from the Boxcar volvo to Ashley's van in like 1.2 seconds, closed the door, and we were off! I laughed like halfway to school between breaths. GOOD TIMES!



February 02 2006
your not a loser face haha... you are awesome.. how your you doing ?- liz :)

Sarah Vermillion

February 03 2006
That is a great story. I wish cool stuff like that happened to me on the way to school.

Tiffany Corkran

February 03 2006
hey jacob. it's tiffany. i just wanted to see wats up. i'll see you at tennis! -tiffany marie