Fine to Fever
November 03 2005
Strange day to say the least.
Started out fine, except for a bit of gunk in my throat.
By the end of 2nd period, I had a full blown flu.
- Fever
- Cough
- Headache
- Chills
- Achey bones
- swollen head insides
It sucked
Didn't leave school ( I HATE makeup work)
Fever got up to like 102 by fifth period
Rested and recovered after school
picked up sister at her school b-ball game
Ready to sleep for a long time
- J4(()8
November 03 2005
thank you : ) ... i hope you get better.. i hate being sick its the worst thing EVER ..and the makeup work ... ugh .. not cool. i would rather goto school sick then have makeup work piled to my eyeballs... haa .. -liz :)))
Megan Sewak
November 05 2005
well srry about it...i hope you fell better.... you just missed one test and one quiz that i know of... latin was nthing sepcial so yeah