sick = VERY BAD

November 08 2005

and right now = VERY BAD time to get sick.

but since everyone in my family, besides me, has this bug... yeah. pray hard please.

i love you


November 08 2005
last night sucked. alot.


November 07 2005

i missed school today. but i'm finally starting to feel better.

i want orange juice. but we don't have any. :-(

i love you.


November 06 2005

so how much longer til thanksgiving break???


November 04 2005

pretty much sucked.

actually, it wasn't the whole day, just first, fourth, and everything after that. and now i get to go to my cousin's ninth(?) birthday party. fun.

*rubs eyes*

November 03 2005
i'm sleepy.


November 02 2005

no kitties for mady. :-p

i love you.

what would you do if i sang out of tune?

November 01 2005

would you stand up and walk out on me?

tee hee

i love concert horn!!! yay for concert band!!!

and... :-)

i love you i love you!!!


October 31 2005

we listened to the judges tapes today. and apperantly the mellophones were SMOKIN'!!!

and flat. sad.

but then we watched the video. wow. it was amAzing!!! just... wow!


so... yeah. i guess that's about it.

i love you a whole bunch!!!!


October 29 2005

WE WON!!!!!

WE WON!!!!!

WE WON!!!!!

and it was AMAZING!!!!

i love you!

no more football!

October 28 2005

only one more day of marching band!!! yay!

vmi tomorrow.

i really want a kitten.

seaside. whenever you stroll along with me...

October 27 2005

last band practice was tonight.

last football game tomorrow.

vmi saturday.

i'm so glad marching season is almost over.

i love you.

tomorrow is band

October 26 2005

i have a scratch on the back of my hand. i don't remember how i got it. but it hurts.

i hate seeing my friends sad. especially when there's nothing i can do. and i always feel like there is something i can do. i just don't know what it is. and then i feel like a bad friend for not being able to make them feel better.

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."

i love you a whole lot.


October 25 2005

it's cold outside. and i like it.

i'm all stuffy and my throat hurts and i keep coughing.

i love you.


October 24 2005

Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings.
~Ed Gardner

i love you.


October 23 2005

guess what.

i was in a horror movie!!! it was soo scary. the myth of the woods. yee-uh.

and i was a fairy! that was cool. and grace did my make up all pretty. i might put some pics up later. but i also said that about my birthday party and that never happened. but my computer is slow and i just don't have the patience for that.

i need a good book to read. i'm running out.

i think my mommy stole my queen cd. and this makes me very sad. i should get it back from her.

i love you!


October 20 2005

well my mouth is starting to not hurt sooo bad.

i tried to play during band, but after playing like four notes i discovered this was a bad idea. so i stopped.

and we got section of the night. with me not playing, lauren's hand dead, and erin's foot (or ankle or something) hurt.

rhody kept complimenting the our sound. the one night i wasn't playing. so what does that  say about the way i play???

it's been amazing. this is the second practice in a row we've gotten section of the night. it's pretty darn amazing if you ask me.

so mady's stupid.

well. that's about it.

i love you.

pretty colors

October 19 2005

i got my top braces on today. and my palate expander off! that was good. but it hurt. and i made a loud noise when i heard something snap in my mouth and it all of a sudden hurt even worse. but now it's gone. and my teeth kinda hurt. but... *shrug* whatever. i just hope i'll still be able to play mellophone as well as i could before i got them. (i wasn't great, but i could at least play the music and it didn't sound completely awful.)

i saw fight club tonight. i had never seen that before. i didn't see it from the beginning, but o well.

i feel funny. especially my tummy.

i love you.

Isaiah 43

October 18 2005
  1 But now, this is what the LORD says—
       he who created you, O Jacob,
       he who formed you, O Israel:
       "Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
       I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

    2 When you pass through the waters,
       I will be with you;
       and when you pass through the rivers,
       they will not sweep over you.
       When you walk through the fire,
       you will not be burned;
       the flames will not set you ablaze.

    3 For I am the LORD, your God,
       the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
       I give Egypt for your ransom,
       Cush [a] and Seba in your stead.

    4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
       and because I love you,
       I will give men in exchange for you,
       and people in exchange for your life.

    5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
       I will bring your children from the east
       and gather you from the west.

hello everyone.

October 17 2005

let's see... today was... uhh... not bad. i guess it could have been better, but whatever.

i think i'm going to do not so great in geometry this time. that's no good. hopefully it'll get better. if only i would do my homework. or listen in class. but i hate is so much. *sigh* i hate it when i have to do things i don't want to do. but i guess that's part of life, right? so i guess i'll get over it.

band... heh. i love monday's after competitions. and i have a lesson tomorrow. i like my lessons. and wednesday, i prolly won't be there. (i'm getting my top braces on) and thursday i prolly won't be able to play. that sucks. but maybe i will. i hope so. i hate not playing. especially when we have practice. but this is gonna suck. because it's gonna take me forever to get used to it. and i'm gonna sound craptacular. and it will be no good. but... o well. i'll get over it.

well... i guess that's about it for now. i love you!

