hello everyone.

October 17 2005

let's see... today was... uhh... not bad. i guess it could have been better, but whatever.

i think i'm going to do not so great in geometry this time. that's no good. hopefully it'll get better. if only i would do my homework. or listen in class. but i hate is so much. *sigh* i hate it when i have to do things i don't want to do. but i guess that's part of life, right? so i guess i'll get over it.

band... heh. i love monday's after competitions. and i have a lesson tomorrow. i like my lessons. and wednesday, i prolly won't be there. (i'm getting my top braces on) and thursday i prolly won't be able to play. that sucks. but maybe i will. i hope so. i hate not playing. especially when we have practice. but this is gonna suck. because it's gonna take me forever to get used to it. and i'm gonna sound craptacular. and it will be no good. but... o well. i'll get over it.

well... i guess that's about it for now. i love you!



Nick Hawkins

October 17 2005
I'll help you with Geometry if you need me to.