May 03 2008
I just thought i would let you know that i absolutly hate it when people post thoughts and the people who are reading them have no idea what you are trying to say.
like when people are writing to others and they dont even have a phusebox. what is the point in even writing? Are you just looking for attention. really i dont understand. or if you say oh my
life sucks so much at the moment
sure people can be there for you but most of the time guarenteed others dont want to hear about your problems. If the reader is having good day they dont want to hear about someones crappy life. but if you do decide to go ahead and say oh my life sucks please tell us why
dont just say oh i cant stand every thing that is going on.... okay there has to at least be one good thing going on
thats about all i have to say
and please feel free to give me crap about this haha