
August 03 2006
    Some of you already know but I want to post it anyway :-). Yesterday my dad and I went out and he bought me the promise ring he told me he would get for my eighteenth birthday :-) It is absolutely gorgeous. It has a white gold band and three small diamonds sitting on either side (so that there are six in all) of a ruby stone. We found it at Shane Co. in Franklin and I love it. I get it on Friday because they have to make one in my size which I found out is a 7 1/2 ( I would have guessed 8 but he said I could even go with a seven) Anywya I'll post pictures when I get it. It's beautiful in case I haven't mentioned that yet. 

Jamie Crabtree

August 03 2006
It sounds pretty. I can't wait to see it!!!

Bill Morgan

August 03 2006
Fantastic. I love it when promises are fulfilled. Looking forward to seeing it ....


August 03 2006
soundsbeautiful! quite fotting for it wear-er


August 03 2006
hmm...i can't spell... **fitting