May 08 2006
    So today was my first day... and it was really easy... but hey it's money.... I am working every day this week so we'll see how it goes. I apologize to Chris and Becca who stopped by to see me... thank you very much, it was nice to see you... but at the moment I couldn't talk even though I didn't have much to do... anyway I appreciated you two coming in :-)... Y'all are great :-)... I'll be there from 10-5 all week so you can stop in and see me. Have a great week everyone.


May 08 2006
Yays for you Rebecca...I hope you enjoy it. ;-)


May 08 2006
I doubt your job will get "old." If you have the right attitude about something, you get used to it. ;-) Otherwise, yeah - it will get old. I have a job, I'm sure it'll be an ok one, but I'm not sure if it'll get me enough money. Death to loans, esp. if I have to take one...

Paul Morgan

May 08 2006
I'm glad that you picked a job that will challenge you :-P


May 10 2006
i'd like to see you in uniform...heehee..yes i would like that very much.