
March 30 2006
          I'm in class and very bored... I should work on hw for my next class but I set aside a chunk of time to do that later so I'm not really motivated at the moment. School has been so much better since I dropped design. I still have work, but it is much more managable. Other things are going well. I love my group at fwc. You guys rock!! If anyone has any suggestions for a new name, we happen to be looking. Two people in my group said that they wanted to be the flibbertiggets. When I thought it only meant silly I was cool with that, but now I read the def. and part of the def. is "Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative"... I don't think that that should be our aspiration... anyway suggestions of somthign fun are welcome.


March 30 2006
lol* no suggestions. what classs is boring you to death?


March 30 2006
there i fixed it for you.