January 28 2006
    I took the course yesterday and today, it was a blast!! I can now get a motorcycle endorsement thing on my liscence.... I have always liked things that thrill... including speed, but I have to be careful because sometimes that means I take risk... my parents used to hate that.. I like waterkiing, knee-boarding, wake-boarding, gallopping on horseback, jumping (horses), rollar coasters etc. etc... but yea this included all the safety stuff. I liked the  curves, and speed!

    Off topic.... have you ever found it strange how joyful you can still be even when you are sorrowful. I miss her. But God has done so much in my life. He has restored the joy, and now though I may mourn and cry, I have His joy. God is so good.


January 29 2006
Today was an incredible day for riding (motorcycles)!

Jessica Jo

January 31 2006
Uh-oh. Should we stay out of the road? J/K. I think riding a motorcycle would be fun. I love you and I hope to talk to you soon. ~Jess