Design Project (one of the shorter ones)

November 21 2005
Ok so I am always talking about the project I am doing in Design... this was my last project. It took me about 3 hours to do... (that was after I scraped the one I had been working on for the weekend)
Anyway... I took this photo that  I took of myself (that was intersting holding it away and trying to get me in the photo)....

And made it into this...

This was done by hand cutting and pasting little bits of colored paper.
Tell me what you think


November 21 2005
oooooooo! fun! i like it!


November 21 2005
FUN!!! we like!!!

Nathan Moore

November 21 2005
that is really awesome!

Russell Rodden

November 21 2005
Wow. I am impressed. I mean that is not outside of the bounds of my insomniac friend, but it is still really cool. I like it. Last project huh? Is it good to be done?

Paul Morgan

November 21 2005
Amazing my little... btl... if you know what I mean

Chris Jensen

November 22 2005
Looks like a lot of work and little sleep to me. lol...It does look very cool.