We lost...

January 07 2006

Well we lost to oakland last night for the first time. Mmmm...shame. If you are a true nation fan like me, you were extremely disappointed. But, I am not gonna sit here and make up garbage about the game like the refs won it for them. B/c that is crap, they beat us fair and square. But wait till districts, because Oaklands little victory will be short lived. So Oakland people, if u read this, don't forget who beat u 4 times in a row last season. But I guess you guys were due for a win. The game itself, was nothing short of amazing. The 4th quarter had me on the edge of my seat. After the game, it was absolute chaos. I almost ran over like 3 black guys and a skinny white boy who decided to run out in front of my moving vehicle and give his girlfriend a hug. You can bet that I lost all sense of christian behavior and gave that guy a honk and told him to read between the lines! But Shelby, who was in the car with me, stopped me before I did or said anything too stupid. Anyway, that was my friday night. A little disappointing to end on, but it was really alot of fun. Enjoy the weekend guys.



January 07 2006
well.. thank you very much for respecting us enough to say that we actually won fair & square.. that was a very nice & mature thing to do.. hah i probably need to work on acting that way at basketball games.. i get WAY too excited & say things i probably shouldnt...

kaitlin gay

January 08 2006
yah right.. you think i know how to put pictures on my phusebox-come on, now. you know me, i cant even figure out how to update on my own-hahaha.. you can help me out with that one too if you would like! =)

kaitlin gay

January 08 2006
guess who figured out how to put pictures on her xanga?!?!? yes sirrrr-kaitlin gay did!

Chelsea Turner

January 08 2006
yea pretty sure i lost my christian behavior too....oops.


January 08 2006
dear mr garrett that i dont know thanks for the respect. and yes it was a crazy, nerve racking game. good game you guys


January 09 2006
sorry you lost :(


January 09 2006
yeah just think I had to live it out from both worlds a fan and a teammate so it was a rough night but January 31 will be remembered as the night siegel absolutely dominated oakland jokeland lol


January 09 2006
yeah just think I had to live it out from both worlds a fan and a teammate so it was a rough night but January 31 will be remembered as the night siegel absolutely dominated oakland jokeland lol