Ashley Orman


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Guitar, piano, horses.

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2 many 2 name

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His Dark Materials Series

be prepared tis a long one....

August 01 2005
Miriam-Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: soul mate
Function: noun
: a person temperamentally suited to another

Does anyone believe in soul mates anymore? Does anyone believe in signs from above? I’m just curious and I’m just venting but hopefully someone will respond to this with an answer that they have come up with on their own.

What is the definition on a ‘soul mate’? I believe that everyone has their own version of how they believe this term to be defined. I have my own. At least what I thought I knew to be mine. First and foremost, I believe it to be a God thing. He is the one that made a special someone in my opinion for everyone He has created. A perfect, well at least our version of perfect, match for every last human on the planet. Feel free to disagree with me, but I will not be moved from my viewpoint. I believe the first reason to be enough of a definition to me, but I have others obviously though I’m not sure how to really put them into words. It’s just a feeling I believe in the pit of your stomach, in the bottom of your heart, in the back of your mind, in the very being of your soul, that you know who that person is. What’s sad is that some people don’t believe in this at all. This saddens me, but I cannot change their minds, and they are free to have their own opinion. This is long and I’m sure people think this is pointless. Honestly, I don’t care. I needed a place to vent and get people’s feedback on their beliefs and this is the best place that I can find to do that with okay!

One last thing before I give up and go to sleep. Do you believe in signs from God? Do believe that if you ask Him to reassure you that you’re doing what He wants, and you’ve flat out asked Him, He will answer you in a way that you completely understand? A ‘sign’ if you will. Would you take this sign as an actually one or as merely a coincidence? Analyze the situation to the point that you believe that it wasn’t supposed to be taken that way. Who knows, I may be way off base here, and most probably don’t have a clue what I’m talking about but that’s fine. Just please hear me out I’m almost done. You should take to heart what God has said to you. No matter what anyone else says to you. You know better than anyone what He has or hasn’t done for you. I understand that what may be said to you may be completely different than what was said to someone else using the same ‘sign’. Still, don’t try to analyze something not there to be analyzed, only accepted.. I know I lost a lot people if you have made it this far, I love you with all my heart and soul! Thank you all much.



August 01 2005
Well, I definately believe in a soulmate. I don't know if I've found mine, and probably not, but I do believe someone is out there for me. I also believe in signs, but, of course, I don't have any proof. It's more of a feeling.

Anna Miller

August 01 2005
I once asked God for a sign about something; the next day, as I was thinking about it, I drove by a church with a sign that said "Looking for a sign from God? This is it." Yeah, it was weird.

Lauren Beasley

August 01 2005
frankly my dear.. i don't know if i even believe in love.


August 01 2005
There is such a thing as signs.. and soulmates. Some people find them when they are young, and don't realize who they truely are. And other people find then when they are too old to care. There are people who are put in our lives to teach us something. We learn from mistakes. And these I think are the signs that God gives us. Our soulmate is the person that we choose to live the rest of our lives with, and if God is unhappy with our choice he will find someway to stop it from happening and that is what leads us back to signs. This all reminds me of the movie. Forces of Nature. I can't remember it all that well. But I think he was supposed to end up getting married, but he misses his flight and is forced to go along with this other woman character. Along the way, these two end up talking and by the end of the journey. Well I guess you have to see it. But it just makes me think, that God didn't think that they were supposed to get married. So he was sending all these signs to prove that he wasn't. And in the end. It all works out. Yea, this is long. And some might not even make sense. But do see the movie Forces of Nature. It might help ya.


August 02 2005
I was going to add my own input here, but now i see i really don't need to. You hit the nail on the head, in my opinion.

Zach McCain

August 02 2005
I would make a long comment on this, but you already know my opinions. I agree with the soulmate thing 100%, except I'm not absolutely sure that all people are meant to find someone, just 99% of them. I think some are meant to stay single. Not certain of that, but just my ideas. And the sign from God thing, completely 100% agree. Anyway. Thas all I got. Love in Christ, Zach


August 03 2005
i believe in signs from God, and soulmates. I think i might of found mine. She is like a female version of me, except she doesn't look like me. I love her, and i think she loves me...but at least we both love God. I want to tell her how i feel..but i know that If i ask, then God will give me a sign. If he/she wants her to go out with me, and continue this magic that we've created thus far....I think she could be the "one"..which is odd, i've never fealt like this about anyone before..but yeah it hought i would tell you taht i completely agree with you...and ahve an abundantly spectacular evining.