Today Was...OK
April 19 2007
Today started out OK. After finishing TCAP (for the last time in my life, thank you) we went outside to play the quiet ball game. (My friends didn't. We talked.) We made a star with out feet,and Ms.Murrel took a picuture. We talked about music and listened to our iPods. I tryed flying. It didn't work.
My day got bad in music. It was good at first because Keri and me were looking at her book, Peeps. I was reading the weird parts in it. Then this obnoxious guy Joe (may I add he's popular) threw his pencil over near us. When he bent down to pick it up he put his butt on me and farted. It was really embarrising. All his friends were laughing at us. He did it to Keri next and then back to me. He even sat on me. Everyone was saying that it was really mean, but they weren't doing anything about it. Sometimes I feel like trading all my good friends in so I can be popular so nobody would make fun of me. And yes I do get made fun of a lot. And then I get even more embarresed because I start to cry. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I just can't handle it anymore. I can't wait till' high school so I don't have to deal with those people.