And Fall Break is over

October 23 2006

So fall break is over, and I'm back at Lee. It was fun, and I enjoyed it, but it was odd at the same time. I realized I'd kinda missed being home, but at the same time I'm glad I'm not still there. I don't miss the drama and junk. Everyone seemed happy to see me, which was nice. But I kinda felt on the outside of it all. In some ways it felt like I'd been gone for a week, and in other ways it felt like I'd been gone a year. A lot of people seemed to try to keep me included, but at the same time it was like I'd missed out on everyone's lives a little too much to completely still be part of it all. Idk. It was an odd feeling to say the least. The drive back here felt really long, and the dorm was empty for the most part for about 2 hours after I got back, but it was nice. It gave me plenty of time to think about everything from what God's been doing in my life, to how things have changed, to relationships, etc. It helped me realized a lot.

Anyway. I guess I'm done rambling now. I'll be back in Murfreesboro this weekend. If anyone wants to hang out let me know

Meagan McCann

October 23 2006
ME ME ME lol ok ok so wait.. we already are planning on hanging out.. hahaha. lol love you cherry! meag