Dadgum. . .

August 23 2005
Something that is rarely discussed ((and most certainly even rarer given the circumstances)) comes up randomly in a conversation I recently had with someone.

. . . are conversations such as these from the Lord? Does He try to tell us something through these types of random encounters?

I wish I had someone to talk to.

So this is what $420.06 looks like. . .

August 22 2005

photo from BeautyFromPain

. . . I had no idea.

Lauren and I went in and got the motherload today. It was one of those things where it was so dumfoundedly shocking, that all we could do was laugh. . . a lot. Haha.

. . . and let's throw in that I have to make a car payment and buy my tags in the next week or so.

One cool thing about today: I saw my 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teacher ((same person)) at Phillip's while I was waiting for them to be picked up.

Do I look like a hippie? Seriously, lol. A guy I work with threw a fit because he said I looked like one.

What a beautiful guy. . .

August 20 2005

photo from milly

On a different note. . . God was being totally awesome this morning. I'd managed to sleep straigh through my alarm, and Mom woke me at 7:10. I stumbled around, eventually got in my car, and headed to work. I only had about fifteen minutes to get there, and with lights and traffic, it's almost impossible to do. I kept praying "God, let the light stay green. . . make the light turn green." and He did! I clocked in work at 8:00 on the dot. Woohoo, lol.

And I have to add this because it's SO funny. . . Clint said this to Laura over AIM:

thatguyclint: It's funny...Anna works for a local lube shop, I work for a phone company that covers PART of the state, and you work for a multinational BILLION dollar corporation...
thatguyclint : And you make the least amount of money.

"If you'd like to have a religious experience. . .

August 18 2005
. . . the nude couple down the street is in their hot tub."

Haha, good ol' Mr. Tomlinson. I babysat his son, James, Tuesday and today and earned some extra money. That will definitely help with books. Woo, random babysitting rocks!

I hope I'm not freaking y'all out with some of my previous entries. It seems that God has layed something on my heart that I just can't get rid of, and it has left me with a question that I have asked a couple of you. I'm not sure what's going on, but I can say that I've had this crazy awesome peace from just trusting Him and a Hope that is just as great for my future. I can only pray that it continues to just get stronger.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Nothing else is really going on. . . I'm not going to have a day off till Sunday, then I have to work Monday, possibly babysit Tuesday, work Wednesday, and I SHOULD be totally off Thursday. We'll see. I do plan on attending the Siegel game tomorrow night, though.

Waiting for the look in your eyes. . .

August 17 2005
Gah, where are you?

All night long on my bed, I looked for the one my heart loves; I looked for him but did not find him. Song of Songs 3:1

That verse makes more sense now more than ever.

Darling, wait. . .

August 16 2005
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Darling, did you know that I dream about you? I'm waiting for the look in your eyes when we meet for the very first time. Darling, I pray about you and for you. I pray that you will hold on, and keep your loving eyes only for me. Darling, I dream about life together. I know it will be forever; I'll be yours and you'll be mine. And darling, when I say 'til death do us part', I'll mean it with all of my heart. Now and always, I'll be faithful to you. I know you may have made some mistakes, but I will forgive you and give you a second chance. Just wait for me. I'm waiting for you. I'm praying for you, darling. Wait for me, too. Wait for me as I wait for you.

-paraphrased from Rebecca St. James', "Wait For Me"

August 15 2005
I don't want to be with just anyone. . .

. . . I want to be with him.

I'm praying for you, darling.

So long, farewell. . .

August 14 2005
Today was the last official day of the seniors being in the youth group. . . so I came to Sunday School in my best hat.

photo from BeautyFromPain

Then a few of us ((plus Joey the 2nd year college sophomore)) went out to eat at Demos'.

photo from BeautyFromPain

What fun it's been.

My cousin, John, got married tonight. . .

August 13 2005

photo from BeautyFromPain

photo from BeautyFromPain
"John, I want to be your husband."

. . . oops.

photo from BeautyFromPain

photo from BeautyFromPain
The very handome, Nathan Miller as a groomsman.

photo from BeautyFromPain
One of the most wonderful people to ever grace the planet, Mrs. Hopkins and me.

photo from BeautyFromPain
This is my favorite I took tonight; it's my grandmother and her great-granddaughter ((my 2nd cousin)) Samantha.

photo from BeautyFromPain

What's that on your frappuccino?

August 13 2005
. . . uh, whipped cream, sir.

Who comes to starbucks and doesn't know what the "white stuff" is?

I went on an outing with Cameron and Aimee earlier. We hit Starbucks, Party City, TJ Maxx, Target, and the mall. Aimee leaves tomorrow morning. Kaylei leaves the day after. Zach goes in a couple of weeks. Matt and Shannon left for UT a couple of days ago, I believe. Laura has been in Florida for almost a week. As exciting as starting college is, the whole friends thing going off is kind of getting to me.

I haven't started college, and already I'm a broke college student.

August 11 2005
. . . gah. Might I say that gas prices absolutely SUCK!!! I put $20 in my car, and it only put about eight and a half gallons in. . . and that was the semi-cheap stuff at Wal-Mart! Agh. I also went in Wal-Mart and bought myself some groceries so I wouldn't have to always go out to eat for lunch before going to work. I felt. . . grown, lol.

Look, there she goes, that girl who's strange but special. . .

August 09 2005
. . . I love Beauty and the Beast.

How's about I share a few pictures with you?

This is very routine. My hair will not dry with any speed unless I get in this position.

photo from BeautyFromPain

The mascot at my work. And yes, that would be a ciggarett in it's mouth.

photo from BeautyFromPain

Aimee, myself, and Cameron sporting the latest fashion.

photo from BeautyFromPain

And last but not least. . .

photo from BeautyFromPain

Oh yes, this would be mine.

photo from BeautyFromPain

Cameron, Michael, Jenna, and I went to see Bruce this evening. It was nice. I took pictures if you wish to look at them. They're in my photobox.

About last week. . .

August 07 2005
Let's just consider it a momentary relapse. If I talked to you about "something that had been on my mind", forget about it. Please don't bring it up to me. I really don't want to talk about it.

In other news, last night was a lot of fun. Napoleon Dynamite never gets old. . . especially when it's in Spanish with French subtitles.

My room is coming together. I bought a desk and Mom bought me a green computer chair, so it'll be cool. Hopefully it'll all be finished by Tuesday evening.

edit below

August 05 2005

Mmm, work. . .

August 05 2005
I actually did two hoods today, go me! For those that don't know ((which is probably most)), "doing the hood" consists of taking the fluid samples-- engine oil, power steering, coolant, and transmission--, checking the air filter, and adding washer fluid. Then Alex ((head floor manager dude)) made me show the clipboards to the customers-- that was entertaining for him to watch, I'm sure.

. . . now I'm in serious need of a shower.

There's a slight chance plans for Tuesday won't completely pan out, but I'll keep y'all updated.

Hmm. . . what else. OOH! I rearranged my room all by myself yesterday! I'll have pictures up once I've gotten everything
back where it belongs.


Ugh. I really annoy the crap out of myself by doing the same thing over, and over, and over. I'll make all these preconcieved notions about other people, say judgemental things about them when BAM, I was wrong all along and it shows up right in my face. Eh. I'm sorry. I suck.

. . .

August 04 2005
This isn't something I'm entirely looking forward to, but I feel the need to do so. . . Jenna and I are going to see Bruce's grave site Tuesday, August 9th. We want others to come too. No doubt it will be hard; that's why we want to get whoever can together. We're thinking about meeting at Belle Aire around five and heading over from there. Afterwards, we'll probably get a bite to eat at La Siesta to talk and hang out and such. Remark or something so we can get an idea of who will be there.

three words

August 01 2005
I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

. . . or something like that.

And how about this wicked awesome picture Laura edited:

photo from lauraebeth

I can see what's happening. . . and they don't have a clue. . . .

July 31 2005
so many things to tell her
but how to make her see
the truth about my past,
she'd turn away from me

he's holding back
he's hiding
but what, i can't decide
why won't he be the king i know he is,
the king i see inside

can you feel the love tonight?

mmm. . .

July 31 2005
Today was so incredibly random. . .

singing in front of the entire church. doughnuts in the courtyard. jean shopping. bread bowls. more shopping. "you came all the way to wal-mart just to get pens?". getting kidnapped. car dying in the kroger parking lot.

. . . and I enjoyed every minute of it.