Isaiah Jensen


Relationship Status

In A Relationship


Cedar Hall



Favorite Movies

The Last Samurai, Batman Begins


December 19 2006

I normally don't post here due to the fact that I have my own site at but I am ticked off enough to post here to.

WARNING: This is a rant against Microsoft, read at your own risk, by reading this post you release me from any responsibility of libel and give up your right to sue me.... :-)

I am thoroughly ticked off at Microsoft right now. I will never
use Windows media player to rip a CD again. I was looking through some
of the music I had on an old hard drive I put into this computer and
tried to play some of the music, no problem right…. wrong. I clicked
play and I got this error:

The file you are trying to play was ripped (copied) from an audio CD.

During the ripping process, the file was "protected." This limits the number of computers on which the file can be played.

To play the file on this computer, you
must download a license (a process known as "license migration"). A
license acts     an electronic key that allows you to "unlock" a
protected file and play it.

To download a license for this file, click Download License.

I am really ticked off, so I tried clicking the Download
Licence link, it then informed me that I have to be using IE to get it.
I found out later that there is an option to make it not protect files
as it rips them in Windows Media Player, but I have never taken the
time to learn the intricacy's of WMP. I am not a happy camper.


December 19 2006
heh heh..." not a happy camper"

The Capn

December 19 2006

Jeana Lewis

December 19 2006
somebody's cranky

Randy Lewis

December 20 2006
"I found out later that there is an option to make it not protect files as it rips them in Windows Media Player, but I have never taken the time to learn the intricacy's of WMP." <br> Hmmm.