Thanks John!

October 05 2005
This is really weird and probably no coincidence, but I just finished taking another "blog-test." This one courtesy of Mr. John Shults, and it's supposed to tell you what book of the bible you are. Here are my results, and then I'll get to the cool part.
You are Ephesians
You are Ephesians.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, now can anyone guess the book of the Bible I've been pouring through for the past 25 days? Yeah, Ephesians! And in all honesty, the message inside rings pretty true in my life too. This is my cool moment for the day.



October 04 2005
I seriously had to ban myself from all blog sites and message boards today so I could actually be productive. I had an Accounting test today (I think I did pretty well :), a Mass Media Test to study for (tomorrow), work on my monologue, character analysis, character reaction, read a play, my history chapter, my Mass Media chapter, AND do my scholarship work assignment! A bit of caffine, and 3 naps later I think I got a good amount of stuff done. I refuse to worry about tomorrow just yet. I'm still reeling from the day's blur of events.


The Photos are Coming!

October 03 2005
Now that I have my computer back the photos will be coming in by the dozen for the next few days probably. This will most likely steal time away from me studying for my 2 tests and graded monologue this week, but I think I have my priorities straight. Enjoy!


So Sad but So True (Thanks Felicia from MySpace)

October 02 2005
92% percent of the teen population would be dead if abercrombie and fitch said it wasnt cool to breathe anymore. Repost this if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing ur butt off

I really hate . . .

October 02 2005
The ugly red "x" that shows up when your computer is in the shop and you can't post a decent picture. So to get rid of the ugly "x" I've stolen one of my MySpace pictures to use for now.


Thanks Mr. Graham for this time wasting test.

October 01 2005
You are a
Social Moderate
(56% permissive)

and an...
Economic Moderate
(43% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Brand Spankin New

October 01 2005
Hello All,
I'm totally new to phuse box so my profile is sucking big time right now. As soon as I get my computer back (long story) I'll make it awesome for everyone's viewing pleasure. I hope everything is well with everyone, and have a blessed day.
