Thanks John!

October 05 2005
This is really weird and probably no coincidence, but I just finished taking another "blog-test." This one courtesy of Mr. John Shults, and it's supposed to tell you what book of the bible you are. Here are my results, and then I'll get to the cool part.
You are Ephesians
You are Ephesians.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay, now can anyone guess the book of the Bible I've been pouring through for the past 25 days? Yeah, Ephesians! And in all honesty, the message inside rings pretty true in my life too. This is my cool moment for the day.



October 05 2005
i think this is the only little quiz thing i have liked... this one made sense to me... kinda hit the nail on the head... see you later tonight james..