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Cleaning Out My Life

March 21 2007

I've begun a process, a difficult one for me.  Since music has always been one of the centers in my life, getting rid of all the music I have is equivalent to ripping out a piece of my heart; but the further I get into to doing this purge (so to speak), the better it feels to me to do it.

I don't feel that the music I've listened to is necessarily bad altogether for everyone: please don't misunderstand that point.  Metal, however, has been such a focus in my life that I feel it has consumed time away from God.  In doing these things such as trashing music magazines and cds and such the like, I feel like I can release all these things to God.  I'm not getting rid of my guitar, but if God wants me to, I will have to do it.

Furthermore, I don't expect people to understand why this must be, but I believe it's a part God has wanted to do in my life for a long time.


March 21 2007
That is awesome. I am really impressed with you (not that I have any right to say that, but I can't think of a better word). I think you are a really good person and I hope you are going to come to Lee. I look forward to spending some time with you, if you don't mind.

The Capn

March 21 2007
dude... i'm sure that's tough for you. i'm glad to hear that you're willing to take such an aggressive step. i'm going to call you some time and talk about LEE... don't know when. i have plenty of work to keep me busy...

adam rodrigues

March 22 2007
that is awesome. I admire such a huge step you're taking to get closer to God, I know it's incredibly difficult. and it's really cool that you're already feeling the difference in letting go. I'm sure it'll be worth it. Hope to see you at lee!

Rebecca Jensen

March 22 2007
I know that that kind of thing is hard... and that letting go of something that we can justify as 'fine' or 'innocent' is very very hard... it takes maturity and wisdom... there have been times I have justified it to myself... I'm proud to know that you are willing.