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March 19 2007

Please explain to me why, every time an older adult (typically 20+ years older than you) gets into an argument or a debate, they use a blanket statement such as "You're too young to understand or make a good point that I'll recognize."  That is the most disrespectful thing I can think of: if you're making a point, you're making a point, regardless of your age.  Get over the fact that some younger than you might actually have something to say of importance.

The Capn

March 19 2007

Jamie Crabtree

March 19 2007
What Chris said, and they realize that you're not going to just sit down and believe what they say. You're not a child anymore and they're used to you believing them no questions asked.


March 19 2007
yup. hey haven't seen you in.. forever. we should fix this.

Josh Morgan

March 20 2007
Age brings experience, but the variation of experience (and how much is actually internalized) changes from person to person. This person probably assumes that, because they know more now than they did at your age, then they must know more than you, too. This, of course, is stupid, and a way to eazily dismiss a valid point of view. It's often easier to ignore an argument on falacious reasoning than to actually deal with it.

Randy Rodden

March 20 2007
Everyone had really good points except for michal with "yup".... But I too hate that, although the only time that this problem seems to surface in my life is with my parents and istead of doing that they usually pull up some other moronic thing that I had done from the past and make it out to have some relevance in the conversation... But of course it doesn't... And when confronted they simply say don't back talk me and I back down and have to let them win the arguments....