prayer request

October 03 2005
i feel beaten guys. i havent felt this way in a long time. fall break cant get here in a long time. i just need peace right now. i'm trying. i wish i could come home for a night and hang out with everyone. it would be fun to come home wensday for church, but i dont think thats possible. i'm not homesick, thats not it. i do miss all my friends, yall are the best, and so is my family.

i think if i had a major picked, it might be better. the music recording thing at MTSU sounds really fun. i was thinking about music education up here, i might give that a go next semester. i'd have to get into it next semester or i would be screwed. i dont know what i should do though.

maybe yall should through out some ideas.



October 02 2005
yesterday was cool. the game was pretty good. we had decent seats. we were on the lower level, but i didnt enjoy it as much as when we sit up top. oh well, i shouldnt complain. my family, the mays family, davids family and alex went to o'charleys to eat. jessica had gotten off work already so whitney waited on us, it was cool. we came back and played poker, that was fun. i hung out with whitney a little last night, it was fun.

i need to be gettin more sleep than what i'm doin. oh well, i'll survive. young only got like 20 hours of sleep this past week, i dont know how she survives. crazy girl.

the car is a 2001 blazer. it's a silver color. i meant to take some pictures yesterday but i forgot to take the camera. we might take it back though, we think it's leaking something. oh well.

i hope everything is goin good for everyone out there. it's goin good for me, except for all the homework i have to do. kinda sucks. i need to start studying more. i need to excercise too, but the studying probably needs to come first. i guess i could do both at the same time.


it's good

September 30 2005
lifes good right now. but it's always good when your alive, cause thats how you know God is blessing you.

i wish i had done better on my math test, but i dont care. i got a quiz in there on monday, good thing i made it to class today. i was just a little late.

so my car was apparently shot and i got a new one. it's a blazer, thats cool. theres a game tommorow, but i guess by now it's really later today. it should be cool.

theres somethin else good right now, and if any of yall can guess it, your doin good.



September 29 2005
so i dont feel too good right now. i dont know why. i started not feeling good in chem lab. jessica and i got to work together. due to our TA it took us 15 minuetes longer to do it. oh well. we did good. went to the band concert tonight here on campus. it was good. my favorite one was Fantasia, and it wasnt the one from the movie. but it was good.

i have a spanish quiz again tommorow, i havent studied for it yet. oh well.

this weekend should be good. got the ol' miss game to go to. we're 23 rows from the field. the georgia game should be good too, we're 5 rows from the field... hot bizzle

i'm goin to go study. i should be sleeping by now though.



September 28 2005
so right now i'm supposed to be writing a paper for my group. the only other person in my group that cares sent me her version via email, so i dont know what to do. i appreciate her version, but it's just not that great. so i'm goin to tweak it a little. and finish it off. shouldnt be too bad.
this week is kinda crazy. i've had alot goin on. i had a spanish test today and another one friday. i got my math test back monday, it sucked,i didnt do good at all.
i'm on the phone with someone special. i like it.
i gotta go.

the main question?

September 23 2005
Whatever happened to Ken Griffy Jr.? you always use to hear about Jr. now you dont. what in the world.

Photo From rachelann948

September 22 2005

photo from rachelann948


September 22 2005
so i got done with my spanish homework, but i havent studied for the test yet, and so i decided to play some solitaire. well i was doin great, i was puttin the cards away like crazy. then all of a sudden, it came to a stopping point. just like that, it came to a halt. kinda like in life, things can be goin great, then they come to a halt, but unlike solitaire, you can always go on in life, thats the great thing about it, no matter how far off you think you are, who even if you think all the cards are down and theres no more you can do, you can keep on goin, cause tommorows a new day.

that really didnt have anything to do with anything, i was just playin solitaire and thought i would make the analogy.

so college is alright right now. the lab today was easy as pie. there was one point when i asked the TA a question and i felt stupid cause the formula i needed was on the back of that page, and the bad part is, i had written the formula down for that particular question, oh well. jessica and i got done at the same time, so that was cool. usually she beats me.

i should get my math test back tommorow, no bueno, but it'd probably be alright. my spanish test shouldnt be too bad.

i have a scavenger hunt tonight with my BCM family group, too bad my sister is in the 'boro right now, oh well

this one was long, sorry



September 21 2005
so abhinav got my computer workin. thats pretty tight.
i got a letter today from elizebeth. that was really cool. i love gettin letters. thanks everyone that has sent me one.
class is goin ok, i have a lab tommorow, i hate it. but i did pretty good on my last lab.
i didnt get my math test back yet. i need to study for my spanish test.

dont worry, dont worry

September 20 2005
dont worry guys and girls, i'm still alive. my stupid computer wont let me on cause it's stupid. i'm on kyles now. it also wont let me on the web page for spanish homwork, so thats why i'm on here.
jess and stopped on at the bookstore in the courtyard, which i didnt know was there untill the other day. i dont know why i've been goin to the UC all the time, this place has everything.
i got to do homework.


September 11 2005
people say i was led on and that it was just wrong. at times i feel the same way. and alot of the time, nothin feels the same when we're together. when you invest so much in each other, those words just shouldnt be said by the other person.

but it's ok. i've tried to forget and forgive. maybe it'll happen. it oughta be able to happen soon.

schools goin good. spanish and math isnt lookin good, but thats ok. this weekend wasnt too eventful, well it kinda was, but not really. but we made the most of it. i laed the iron down on the carpet today, i didnt know there was nylon in the carpet, it melted to the iron and now theres an iron print in the carpet. it's pretty hillarious.

i hope everything is goin good for everyone else.


game, salsa dancin

September 03 2005
just got back from the game. it was cool, but it was burnin hot. (figure that one out).

goin home here soon. i got a head ache so i'm goin to wait awhile before i leave. i got home work, so i'm goin to head back up here early on monday.

i'm kinda sunburned from the game, but thats ok.

me and whitney were goin to go swing dancin at this club last night, but when we got there, it turned out that the web site wasnt up dated and they didnt do swing dancin anymore and it was salsa dancin. so we were one of like 10 white people there, the rest were hispanic, but we didnt feel out of place. not that we know how to salsa dance, but we did our best. i have to say, it was alot of fun. the other white people there were from UT also and it turned out that it was a group from the BCM (baptist collegiate ministry) here on campus. so that was cool. we made some new friends.


psh, heck ya

September 01 2005
so gas is $3.50 a gallon up here in knoxville, and rising. $3.50 is what i saw today, last night at 12 o'clock i payed $3.01, so just think about that inflation for a minuet. psh.

so my english teacher told us that we wont have a midterm or a final exam. thats really awesome, but i may be wishin we were goin to have it if my grades arent lookin up by that time. it should be alright though.

so thomas called me five times in my chem class today. just to give you an idea. me and jessica decided to sit front row in an auditorium style class room that had around 300 people in it. the seats go up like in a stadium so everyone looks down at me. a little crazy. but it was cool.



August 29 2005
this thing finally started workin for me again. i gotta go to class here soon, so i cant make this long. heres my address.
Patrick Pope
1021 Francis Street

i enjoy gettin mail by the way.


August 24 2005
this thing finally let me on. i also finally got moved in. classes are crazy and i am unable to get some things done that i need to. oh well. hope everything else is goin great for everybody.



August 20 2005
this thing finally let me back on. it's been kickin me off for the past few days.

went to the game last night, it was fun. the were goin to let me sing (with the band), but i had to leave.

i'm about to eat some breakfast, and then leave for school. i'm nervous and a little sad. it'll all work out though.

pray for me. i'll miss you guys


vanilla ice, mtv

August 16 2005
i wasnt goin to post today cause my lifes kinda boring right now. but i thought i would cause i just heard somethin kinda funny. vanilla ice released a new cd today. does anybody else find that funny. in "ice ice baby" he talks about shells hittin the pavement, but has a guy like him ever heard shells hittin the pavement. c'mon, i think he's makin that one up.

i was watchin super sweet sixteen yesterday, has anybody else wathced that. personally, i think the poeple on that show are just a little spoiled. hold on, did i say just a little. i meant a lot. oh ya, and i also saw a commercial for jc penny, they've come out with a line of "home furnishings", i think thats what they called it. it's supposed to mimik what you see on "Cribs". personally, i dont like copying other peoples style. but i guess some poeple do.

i think i might go on a really long bike ride today, just cause i dont have much else to do. i need to start gettin packed though.



August 15 2005
today would of been the first day of school, if i was still in high school. high school was pretty cool. i enjoyed it.

this past weekend was pretty dang good. friday we went to the band performence and then we had the bon fire and the metor shower, which was pretty awesome. then on sunday young came over and we watched Guess Who, it was cool. guitar lessons were good and then i went out to eat with my dad and grandmother. my grandmother is a trip.

todays been kinda boring, i've just laid around the house. well, i took my dad to the air port this mornin. but other than that i've just been around the house. i'm kinda tired, maybe i'm not as well as i thought i was. i just had a good thought, maybe i'll have another game night at my house this week before everyone has to leave.

i was plannin on goin to the game friday night, it should be fun.

so really thier was no point to this entry, oh well. oh ya, i dont really know how right that name thing was on my last entry. cause no is perfect, i dont think i'm romantic, and i dont exactly know what chic is, but i'm guessin i'm probably not it, thrilling, well, i guess i can be fun sometimes, i dont really know.


i did the name thing from drews site

August 13 2005
P is for Perfect
A is for Altruistic
T is for Thrilling
R is for Romantic
I is for Important
C is for Chic
K is for Kind

band, bon fire, college

August 13 2005
yesterday was cool. i slept in, but thats only because i went to bed so late and i'm still kinda sick. but then thomas came over about 3:30 i guess and then david came over, then we went to the band performence. i got to say, they were pretty good. i miss, it, it was some good times in the band.

we went to spencers house and swam for a bit, but me and thom didnt swim cause we didnt have swim suits. then we went to my house and had a bon fire. alot of people came, then left. then brandon showed up and me and thom him chilled, that was cool. then whitney came over for a while. all in all, yesterday was alot of fun.

only one more week till college. actually, this time next week, we'll be movin in to the dorm. it's goin to be tight. anybody else think so? i hope i can hack it in college. shouldnt be a problem.
