
January 03 2006

i'm starting to wonder when i'm going to catch a break in this game.


starting over; break

January 02 2006

i'm going to start looking on the bright side of things again. used to no matter what happened everything was still gravy. even though things dont work out for me how i want them to, it doesnt matter. things can always be worse. things arent as bad as i think they are, but their not always peachy

i also need to strengthen my walk with God. right now i'm just coasting by, but that definately isnt good enough.

this break has been pretty good. we might go fly my remote control air plane that i got for christmas a couple of years ago. it'll be the maiden flight. and it'll be awesome. hopefully the weather will hold out. but if not, thats ok.

my dad was talking crazy. something about how we needed to cut two trees in the back yard this week. i dont think we will, but that means i gotta drive in one weekend and do it. should be fun. i really dont mind doing work like that, i just didnt want to have to do that on my break.

i better go.



January 01 2006
happy new year.


January 01 2006
happy new year.


December 30 2005

phusebox is back. so thats pretty cool

my life seems to be topsy turby right now i guess you might say. i dont really know what to think at times. but what ever i do think. i know that things could be alot worse than they are.

i've been told that i've changes. but i've only changed because those around me have changed.

it's good to be home, and it sucks to know that i have to leave and go back early.



December 30 2005

phusebox is back. so thats pretty cool

my life seems to be topsy turby right now i guess you might say. i dont really know what to think at times. but what ever i do think. i know that things could be alot worse than they are.

i've been told that i've changes. but i've only changed because those around me have changed.

it's good to be home, and it sucks to know that i have to leave and go back early.



December 16 2005

"i no longer feel like a contender. i've been taking out of the ring and the gloves have been takin off, and i'm not the one that removed them...... i feel like a race horse that has been put to pasture and maybe they'll use me for the pony rides at the fare. maybe if i work harder at it i'll get back to where i was, but i dont know why i cant win like this."

i'm finally home. went to the mall last night, didnt really buy anything. played some poker last night, i cleaned up. but we didnt play for money.

i shaved for the first time in a week. i wouldnt mind a beard, i just dont want to wait for it to appear. haha.

countdown is : (counting today) 3 days


cant sleep and i got an exam in the morning; so nathan

December 14 2005

so nathan, hows the weather up there in NY?

so i cant sleep. it's just like back during the summer when i was workin the night shift, except for the fact that i'm trying to sleep during the pm hours now insted of the a.m. 

i have an exam in 7 hours, but i would rather rock out right now. i'm listening to waylon jennings right now. i'm about to let the Led out. that'll be some good stuff.

i just got done thinking about why i might not be able sleep. i actually just got off the phone, young called me and we talked for a few minuetes, and she asked me why i couldnt sleep and i didnt know, but then i thought about it. i had an tremendous thought tonight before i even climbed (literally) into bed. but i dont think i want to share that right now. maybe later.

i just put on some usher "yeah, yeah"

i might as well just pull an all nighter. i could go down stairs and study i guess. but everyone knows all the wacos are down there at this time of night, well, morning actually.

ok, maybe their not wacos, i just dont want to go downstairs and study.

did some pretty good studying earlier tonight. thank you jessica for all the help.

john put me in charge of getting roberts christmas presant. (those are my brothers by the way) crazy thing is, i'm at a loss. but i'll come up with something.



December 13 2005

5 more days

i got an email last night and it went like this:

"hey, i'm in your math class and i'm wondering where and when the math exam is? thanks, andrew"

so, the math exam was last friday, and the email was sent last night. pretty dang crazy.

chem final tommorow, i'm about to go study at jessicas. shouldnt be too bad.

this whole not shaving till finals is over isnt too bad, it just makes me even more lazy.



December 10 2005

well, these past few days have been absolutely crazy. some ups and downs, but thats what happens.

thursday i did some hardcore studying. i stayed up till 4:30 am workin studying for my math and spanish test, it was crazy. spanish stunk, math wasnt too bad.

last night was ok, i missed out on some stuff that we had made plans for. i cant say i understand what happened with the second half of it, but i can understand the first half of the night. oh well. i dont know.

today wasnt too bad. we killed alot of time by going to the mall, that was fun. we spent an hour in borders, that place is awesome. i had never been there before.

abhinav and i went on a wild goose chase tonight. i took him on it though. we went to the old city. drove around and found where we were going and then parked. we were supposed to pay 5 bucks, but we were like "screw that". didnt find what i wanted so came back to the strip, didnt find it there. once again we didnt pay for parking righ there. it was crazy.

i need to read tonight, but will i do it? haha, ya, i will.



December 08 2005

scratch that last post. garret, i beat it. i just got 710 points at solitaire. heck ya


garret shaw

December 08 2005

when i saw garret say he got 705 points playing solitare, i said to my self "i've never kept score playing solitaire, but i'll start, i'm i'm going to beat him. well, i scored 700. i was so close. garret, you better watch out, i'm comin close.



December 07 2005

shoot, i'm tired. we went to bed at like 4 this morning. that was after me and greg (a guy i met last night playing monopoly) teamed up and won monopoly. we teamed up cause we were getting messed over because we were the last two to roll and werent getting anything and by the time it was over it was us two against the other 5 playing (they teamed up be up because we were doing so good) we only had the rail roads and the red ones. man we were good.

so that was over at like 1:30 and then me and the guys went and played football till about 3, then we went to bed at like 4.

we were at the guys basketball game last night (me, alex, david, and abhinav) and it was like 8:30pm and a girl behind me said something about how she had to go and take a test. and i was like, oh no, i have to take and turn in a test by 9. the arena is about mile from my dorm, so i take off runnin and i ran to the library to grab a computer, i take the test, and turn it in and then i looked and it said it accepted the test at 8:58 pm, i was like dang, i'm good. and i made an A, so it's all good.

i gotta study like a beast today, dang i hate that. and i gotta do some homework, but not a lot of homework.

so my birthday is in like 11 days. heck ya.



December 04 2005

got a spanish test tommorow. got alot of english to do. last night was crazy. played some frisbee with the guys at like 2 in the morning, went to taco bell at like 2:30, sat in the hall and at it and then went to bed. it was cool.

me and heat woke up and then drove 20 miles doing 90 the whole way just so that we could get some favolis (sp). it was some good times.

i gotta study later tonight. that sucks. i'm worried about some stuff thats comin up later today, but it'll be ok.

i cant wait till christmas break. actually, as long as i make it through tuesday, i'll be ok.

off to the library now.

me and candace at jazz fest. i cant wait till may


December 03 2005

i used to make the best out of everything, and no matter what came my way i didnt care and i was happy. but after so much a person can only brush off so much and make the best out of it all. just sometimes, i wish that people would see that. i'm sure that at times i bring some of it on my self, but not all the times. oh well.

this week has had it's ups and downs.

shannon moran called to check up on my today after she knew that i was upset last night, and i appreciate that. thanks shannon

i got homework i have to do this weekend, blah.

i dont know if it's just me or what, but do you have to give your best friend a reason to get together with you, ecspecially atfter they've known you've been upset


birthdays, dinner, flagilation, and bball

December 01 2005

so my two sisters and really good friend of mine had birthdays today. but this will probably say it was posted the day after.

those two girls had thier birthdays today, and so did young, but unfourtionately i dont have a picture of her, i dont think.

me and whitney had dinner at our adopted familys house tonight, it was pretty dang good. and they gave us christmas presants. so that was coo. it's the WOW 2006 cd and the voices of the faithful beth moore book, so thats awesome.

later on to night, there was some flagilation going on, "tooting" if you want to put it that way.

we played bball tonight, it was fun. chelsea cut me with her fingernails, it was pretty funny.

oh ya, my parents got mad at me tonight for the excessive txt messaging. not really mad, but up set.



November 29 2005

last night was fun, except for writing the papers, but thats ok cause thats how college goes, right? i got alot to do this week, it sucks, but i'll get it done.

theres some pics of my new car, sorry it tood so long to get them up here.

theres some pics of my cousins from russia. their cute kids.

this weather is crazy, i'm not forsure whats going on with it. 

well i'm waisting time, i need to get going.



November 28 2005

i'm at the library, about to start a paper. ya, all the college students out there have been where i am right now. well... not in this exact place, but close. it's raning like crazy, and i'll probably have a ticket when i go back out side, but thats ok, i didnt want to have to walk forever in the rain, even though i'll probably have to when i go to park my car. but i guess i could just sleep in my car... na.

today was ok. some one told me that i've changed, but then again they dont realize how much of a beating my self esteem has taken lately. in a way it could've been avoided, but it would of been hard.


break, finals

November 27 2005

well i finally made it back. break was great for the most part. we went to dr. vanzants house last night, it was pretty dang cool.

the food was good, i enjoyed it. my brothers werent able to come in, but john was able to come in on friday night so that was cool.

i feel like i've hurt some friendships along the way this weekend, but it was in advertantly (sp). so i'm sorry.

i'm pretty tired right now, and i'm doing a horrible job typing, so i dont know whats up with that. oh well. i forgot how comfortable my bed is at home. i'll be back home in a few weeks, it'll be fun

finals, oh man, i dont even want to begin to think about that.



November 24 2005

i have the craziest feeling right now
