thats right

March 17 2006

thats right ladies and gents. today is my day, ST. PATRICKS DAY 

so it took me forever to get it back to regular type. oh well.

so we leave today for another competition. it should be a blast all over again. i have to drive this time though, kinda sucks. i hope i dont fall asleep. i might be going to the clemson race next weekend, but we dont know yet. we have to decide if we'll be able to have a 4 man boat or not. either way is fine with me.

scholl kinda sucks. or maybe it's just chemistry.

thats the rowing team for the most part. i'm in the back somewhere



March 10 2006

we leave today for our first rowing competition. it should be awesome. it's definately going to be cool cause shannon moran will be there too. so you know it's going to be cool. it'll be a new experience all together i guess

this past week has been pretty good i guess. chemistry sucks though. i mean really sucks. oh well.

my computer had been running kinda crapy lately so abhinav fixed it for me last night. that was pretty tight. it's runnin pretty fast now.

spring break is coming up soon. it oughta be pretty fun. i'll get some good sleep.

i need a job for this summer, maybe something other than working at nissan, but right now thats the best option i guess. oh well.


off to court i go

March 03 2006

if my camera wasnt in my car i would take  a picture of my ticket. i would scan it but the scanner is broken



February 28 2006

so things are things. chemistry sucks but thats ok. the rowing team i sthe best thing right now. we have a blast.

i had this pretty bad feeling come over me today. it made me sad. oh well. i guess i'm better, but then after the test i was told something that wasnt cool.

i wish it would snow again but with weather that was as awesome as today it's not going to be happening. i should of worn shorts, but maybe tomorow.

we have lab on thursday, ugh. i cant wait till srping break. and we have our first competition in like 2 weeks. it's going to be tight.

whitney and i got jessica tickets to the Mae concert in nashville. it was a heck of alot of fun.


new toy

February 21 2006


// These Variables are used by the Validate.js include file
var missinginformation = 'The following information was missing or not valid:';
var missinginvalidemail = 'The Email address entered is invalid or not formatted correctly.';
var missingpasswordnotmatch = 'Your confirmation password did not match.';
var missingpassmustbe4char = 'Your password must be at least four characters in length.';
var eaddress = 'Email Address';
var friendemailaddress = 'Friend's Email Address';
var friendname = 'Friend's Name';
var email_address = 'Email_Address';
var email = 'Email';
var friendemail = 'Friends_Email_Address';
var friends_name = 'Friends_Name';

sup { font-size:7pt; }

my new toy that finally arrived today. or yesterday at this moment. i love it so far.

you know your jealous of those mad skills



February 20 2006

i feel alot better than i did last week.

theres some greenpeace activist on campus this week. pretty funny.

i got alot to do this week. and i have to write a paper by tomorow. havent gotten much done on it yet. i'm about to go to the library and work on it. it kinda sucks.

sometimes life can kick ya in the butt. kinda makes me mad. but it's not always my fault. sure i need to use my time more wisely, but hypocrits and liers just suck.

english isnt too bad, math is ok, and poli sci is ok, but chemistry sucks. my art class is ok, but i hate how he goes about things sometimes. oh well.

well i'm going to run.



February 20 2006

i feel alot better than i did last week.

theres some greenpeace activist on campus this week. pretty funny.

i got alot to do this week. and i have to write a paper by tomorow. havent gotten much done on it yet. i'm about to go to the library and work on it. it kinda sucks.

sometimes life can kick ya in the butt. kinda makes me mad. but it's not always my fault. sure i need to use my time more wisely, but hypocrits and liers just suck.

english isnt too bad, math is ok, and poli sci is ok, but chemistry sucks. my art class is ok, but i hate how he goes about things sometimes. oh well.

well i'm going to run.



February 17 2006

happy birthday AMBER!!!!! I LOVE YOU



February 15 2006

right now i feel like crap. i dont know why. i'm thinking it's cause i'm sick.

i'm in the library right now. the story of my life. i need to start studying better, and more. oh well. thats how it goes. i hope i start to feel better. this sucks.



February 12 2006

i was abducted by aliens. how do i know. i have a giant bald spot on the back of my calve muscle. on both legs. so i guess they shaved them and took a sample of the muscle from my legs. pretty crazy huh.

if it's not that, i probably have male pattern baldness. thats right, male pattern baldness on the back of my legs. i dont think it's possible, but who knows.

so, lets look back at this week. monday was ok, till the afternoon and then i got sad about who knows what. tuesday was ok. wensday not too awfully bad but i missed practice. thursday not too bad. friday was crazy. david moved out and went home, which i never saw coming. apparently he got sick. and then, it happened. i never thought it would. at least not any time soon. i got a ticket. the cop actually pulled me over. oh well. saturday was good for the most part, didnt do much. and today is cool. it snowed alot this week. how cool is that.

rambo is coming on tonight


February 07 2006

even when i'm at my best and i give my all, it's still not enough for 'em.

i dont know why not. i dont know whate else to do. i guess i need a change of direction. i've been on this track for a while, even when it's been rocky. oh well.

i know yall dont know what i'm talking about, but some might.



naked in math

February 06 2006

so much to do and so little time. and even though i'm the one that put it off, i'm still going to complain about it. and i'll probably stay up late tonight like usual, but thats how it goes. it'll be fun.

today is britney, kyles, grahms, and katies birthday. thanks to facebook i can now keep up with all of that stuff. pretty cool. happy birthday guys and girls.

it was so hot in math. no matter how cold it is outside, or how how it is, it will always be burning up in aires. i should of just sat there naked. maybe the teacher would of given me an A just so that i would put my clothes back on. i nodded off a few dozen times. i have a ton of online math homework to do in there. i dont know if i like all this online stuff. but i'll be ok i guess.

i better get started reading before i fall asleep again.


hair and whatever else

February 03 2006

well, whitney and jessica dyed my hair. it's pretty cool. i like it. it's faded a little bit because i used shampoo on it the same night they dyed it. i didnt know any better. i thought a change would be cool.

we have disciple now this weekend, it should be fun. i havent started packing yet, but thats my style.

dont you hate it when your waiting for something in the mail and it doesnt come. i guess it'll get here next week.

so far this semester has been pretty dang good. not too bad.

i wore shorts today, that was some good stuff. i need to go to the mall and get some new shoes.


the answer

January 27 2006

so the answer was is that i shaved my side burns. it kinda hurt doing it. they were since of pride for me. i had to fight my mom to keep them.

so the top 3 best guesses would have to be

1)elizabeth mott: did you loose and arm (made me laugh out loud)
2)will cameron: did i turn black (made me laugh too)
3)mallory gamball: did you pierce your face all over

and then an honorable mention with fellipe asking if i had shaved my self all over. that was funny

so things are pretty good right now. i have a rowing competition tomorow. i'm coming home after that, but i'm sorry, i probably not going to have any time to hang out with any body. sorry. it's my moms birthday. to be honest. i didnt know that until my dad told me tonight. kinda bad.

tomorow is jessicas' birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


whats different?

January 25 2006

something about me is different since this picture was taken. i havent been home in a few weeks and it will probably be a few months before i come home again. so start guessing what about is different and i'll tell you if you right or not.



January 21 2006

i've cant remember when i've been so forsure about something and so depressed about it at the same time. it makes me so mad right now. i kinda just want to talk about it, but i havent really had the chance.

theres two basket ball games i'm going to tomorow and i'm coaching one of them. so thats cool.

the good thing about tomorow is that it's a brand new day. God is amazing. he made it where we can go to sleep and wake up in the morning and have a brand new start. it's amazing.

i got a package, but they wont give it to me. something about the post office being closed and it would be a federal offense. so what. i've 4 packages coming my way. it makes me wonder which one it is. oh the susspense.


rowing, mp3

January 18 2006

i'm hungry right now. i need some food. but i'll get it in the morning. i got an 8 o'clock class, i hate it. tomorow is my long day too. crap.

i cant decide if i want to be on the rowing team or not. i would love too, but it's going to be expensive. thats alright though i guess, it's worth it. i'll have to think about it. we'll see how it goes. shannon said i should. and that would mean i would see her like every weekend for like 2 months. that would be tight.

i'm listening to kyles ipod right now. i got me a mp3 player the other night. it should arrive soon. very soon. the books i bought off amazon havent come in yet. they normally dont take this long.



January 14 2006

this is from an SNL skit i saw tonight. it's so true. i think i remember telling someone how people dont like kenny g. and this proves it.

"Kenny G. has a new christmas album out this year...
merry christmas jesus, i hope you like crap."

it's so funny. i love it.

today was cool. hung out with sarah, lauren, emily prevost and tyler. we saw shannon and matt at hollywood video.

the basket ball team that whitney and i coach won this morning. it was so cool.



January 13 2006

first week of classes havent been too bad. i only have one more left. it's from 230-455 i think.

thomas came up this week. it was awesome.

the basket ball game wensday was alot of fun. bowling last night was pretty dang fun too.

young made me laugh last night when we were talking about my prom pictures that i put on the last post. it was a good thing that made me laugh.

anyways. i think this semester is going to be pretty dang good.

we played football last night. heath is about to die.



January 05 2006

things are still pretty dang crazy. i dont know what the heck to think anymore. oh well.

got my hair cut today. poker night tonight, should be fun.

going back to school tomorow. dont really want to. well, in some ways i want to, but in alot i dont. oh well. i'll live.

new years was good. i didnt get to do any deer hunting this winter. thats kinda dissapointing. oh well. i'll get that buck next year.

