my eldorado

October 28 2005

i made a post last night, but it didnt stay on i'll try and redo it.


Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old -
This knight so bold -
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell, as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow -
'Shadow,' said he,
'Where can it be -
This land of Eldorado?'

'Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,'
The shade replied, -
'If you seek for Eldorado!'


            -Edgar Allen Poe

i had written out something really cool last night, but now i cant get to come out the same.

so basically i thought i had found my eldorado, but instead it turned out to be fools gold.(if yall didnt know, eldorado is the famed city of gold). so i guess i need to go over the mountains of the moon to find it. oh well. it'll be ok. it just kinda cast a shadow over everything.

i hope yall are doing good out there, where ever you are. whether in the 'boro or what not.

congratulations nathan and rachel.



October 26 2005

so nathan said he has a big announcement, wonder what it could be.

there are sirens outside, it's crazy. we have the window open, it's hot in the dorms. my brothers warned me this would happen and it did. they turned off our a/c, even though we have our own thermostats, and then turned on the heat and we cant control that. it's crazy.

math aint going to good right not, but everything else is lookin ok.

i got another letter today, i love getting letters. i mailed out two. maybe i'll mail out some more before tonight is over. i'm putting off doing my homework, but i'll start here soon.



October 25 2005

these past couple of days have been pretty cool. lunch with the mayor yesterday. supper with jessica and whitney, then basketball.

anthropology was pretty interesting today. i enjoyed it. and english wasnt pressing like usual. i still dont understand the journal thing. i dont know if she wants them or not.

i'm loving this weather, it's awesome. it's going to be freezing at the game this weekend, oh well. i was hoping to go to ripleys haunted house in gatlinburg monday, but i have a chme tes on tuesday, so i kinda doubt i'll be doing that.

"run for it... runnins what you do when the plan fails. Valentine, your not even trying to think of a plan."



October 24 2005

i know this might sound bad on my part for putting this up here, but i want to cause it's inronic.

Dr. Benjamin Spock said that we shouldnt spank our kids cause it might warp their minds and mess up their personalities. too bad his son committed suicide. yes thats a horrible thing, and sad, but shouldnt the "expert" doctor know what he's talking about.

so anyways, i like this cold weather. and the campus sure is peaceful when it's cold like this. i like it.

i got to eat lunch with the mayor today, it was cool. i had to skip a class to do it, but oh well, but dont tell.

played some basketball tonight, that was amazingly fun.

thats amy chillin in economics.


October 23 2005

blah blah blah blah blah............................................. blah.

thats all my chem book says. and i got alot to read in anthropology. and some math today. and some english. but thats ok, cause it's not all due tommorow. i would kinda like to get out and do something for a while though. maybe i'll go to the rec center and run for a while.

i get to eat lunch with the mayor of knoxville tommorow, so thats pretty cool.

i used nathans knew photosharing idea to get this pic from jason.

i forgot about that one. thats right after me and jason concord the ropes corse thing together. i think at the end it consisted of me and jason standing on a 2x4 hugging while the board was swinging in mid air. pretty crazy.

i got me a new jimi hendrix sweartshirt this weekend from Disc Exchange. that place is pretty cool.


half popped

October 22 2005

i hate when your eating popcorn and you throw a kernal in your mouth and it's only half popped and it feels like your about to crack a tooth trying to eat it.

it's kinda like the UT football team, they go out on the field half way ready to play the game.

last i saw, vandy wasnt doing to bad. they were tied with south carolina.


awkward moments?

October 20 2005

so i think one of the most awkward moments will be is when you come back from your honeymoon or like the next time you see your parents/inlaws right after your wedding. i mean come on guys, you know thats going to be wierd.

so what do yall think a real awkward moment will be, or one that has happened to you.


awkward moments?

October 20 2005

so i think one of the most awkward moments will be is when you come back from your honeymoon or like the next time you see your parents/inlaws right after your wedding. i mean come on guys, you know thats going to be wierd.

so what do yall think a real awkward moment will be, or one that has happened to you.


school, church, lottery

October 19 2005

school was alright today, spanish is crazy. the midterm didnt turn out how i wanted it to, bu thats ok. i still got time to bring that up. i need to study though, i dont really have time to do all that tommorow. everything else is ok though. chem is still crazy, and i didnt get my math test back, but oh well. i think i did better on it this time than i did on the last one.

went to church tonight. me and whittney ate with our adopted parents. our older sister, which is our parents actuall daughter is really cool, and nice. so thats cool. we ate dinner their and stayed for the service. i still dont know if i like the services there, but i like the sunday schools. we have a sunday school party type thing tommorow, so thats cool. i almost dont wanna go cause i got stuff to do, but i'll get it done i guess. i'll just work on it tonight.

so i bought a couple of lottery tickets. actually, me, kyle, david, and heath bought some. the jack pot is at 340 million. normally i dont buy one cause it's really kinda stupid, but i figure if their just giving that money away i might as well put my name into the drawing cause i dont have a chance to win any other way.


i love it

October 18 2005

Visit longlivethednc's Xanga Site!

i stole this from ben long. it's awesome.



October 18 2005

just got back from the rec center. i need to go more often, it's good for me. school was alright today. i only had two classes and i was done by twelve. i'm about to start on my homework. i should of started earlier, but oh well, this is still early if you think about it. really i only have to read.

i got a new shirt sunday and i wore it today, i really like it. it's orange with blue and white stripes. i like it.

thier showing the boondock saints on campus sometime soon. i think i'll go see it, it looks good. it's a gangster movie if you didnt know.




October 16 2005

i loved being back home. i didnt get to do all that i wanted to. i was wanting to watch a movie with a bunch of my friends, but oh well. being back home is great cause of all my wonderful friends that i dont get to see on a regular basis. it makes me feel comfortable if you know what i mean.

so i went out to eat with rachel and amy, that was cool. i got some new shoes too, thats allways a good thing.

i didnt get to see young on the trip, darnet.

well i'm back in knoxville, oh well. i dont mind. it's really not that bad, i'm going to take a new "take" on this college thing if you get my drift. no more slacking on the studying thing and i'm bound and dertermined to meet some new people. i'm definately going to get started going to the bible study that they have at the BCM. it'll be cool.



October 13 2005
i finally made it home at like 1 last night. we were makin good time till we got off of 840 and then i took a right when i should of takin a left. oh well. i just took scenic route home.

went shoe shopping earlier, didnt have much luck.

this weekend should be cool. i'm glad i'm home. and by the way, sleeping in my own bed is great.


on the way home

October 12 2005
it'll be late when i get there.



October 11 2005
well i feel better, i dont feel sick any more. i did at one point, but it went away. i think amy a. was right, i think its from stress. i faild another chem quiz today, that blows majorly. honestly guys..................., well, never mind.

jamie sent me a txt message today, i got it after i failed the quiz, it cheered me up. thanks jamie!!!

i cant wait till 8:30 tommorow night, thats when it'll officially be fall break for me. i'm goin to love it.

i'm goin to go eat.



October 10 2005
so i woke up this morning only to find that the room was spinning at 100mph and that i felt like crap. then i jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom and david was in there and yelled at him to get out and then i ran in and regutitated the little bit of food that i had in my stomach, which wasnt much.

so this morning started off bad, but i made it to all my classes. so thats good.

i dont thik i'll be sick by the time i come home. i cant wait, it's goin to be great.



October 09 2005
sometimes i wonder what i'm doing up here. it's kinda crazy. i'm not doin as good as i wished, but thats cause i'm not giving it my all. it'll come around though.

i hate to say it, but i havent made that many new friends up here. :( i like meeting new people and what not. i miss all my friends back home, i cant wait till fall break. i might come home wensday night and see if i cant get people to hang out with. though be it i might not get home till like 11 or something since i got a test till 8:30.

i got the blazer yesterday, i like it...alot. i'm going to have to take some pictures of it and put them up here.

the game yesterday was cool. so we lost, but we still had 5th row seats, on the 50. it was nice. i loved it. i went hoarse cause i yelled so much, and it didnt even do anygood that i yelled.



October 07 2005
i didnt win the poker tournament, but thats ok, i still got a free cookie from mcallisters out of it. it rained today, it stinks when it rains and you have to walk around campus, actually, i dont mind it that much. but it does slow you down walkin for some reason.went to walmart and what not this afternoon. picked up some good stuff.

football game tommorow, 5th row seats. how about that mess.

i have a B+ in spanish, not too bad if you ask me.



October 06 2005
this weeks been alright, hasnt gotten much better, but it has a little.

i won the first round of a poker tournament here in the dorms, i got the second round tonight. i hope it goes well. if not, it'll still be fun.

lab today went ok, we got to work in groups again. me and jessica make good partners in there.

i need to read like crazy.

somethings are driving me crazy right now, i wish i could figure it out.

i cant wait till fall break, i'm goin to get to go to some classes at mtsu with some friends, it'll be tight.


After you're done, repost and erase my answers and replace them with your own.

October 04 2005
After you're done, repost and erase my answers and replace them with your own.

1. What is your middle name? Clayborne

2. What color underwear are you wearing now? green plaid

3. What are you listening to right now? doobie brothers

4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 64

5. What was the last thing you ate? bacon cheese burger

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? red

7. How is the weather right now? awesome

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? jessica

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? looks and personality

10. Favorite type of Food? anything fried

11. Do you drink? nope

12. Do you smoke? only if i decided i wanted to die early

13. Ever get so drunk you don’t remember what you did? nope

14. Hair color? dark(i dont really know)

15. Eye color? green

16. Do you wear contacts? no

17. Favorite Holiday? Christmas

18. Favorite Month? anytime in tha summer

19. Have you ever cried for no reason? no

20. What was the last movie you watched? too fast, too furious (only cause it was on tv yesterday)

21. Favorite Day of the Year? my birthday

22.Are u too shy to ask someone out? it can be nerve racking

23.If you can say something to someone or anyone right now what would it be? you have no idea how much you mean to me

24. Hugs or Kisses? both

25. Chocolate or Vanilla? mint chocolate chip
26. Do you want your friends to respond? yes

27. Who is most likely to respond? thomas

28. Who is least likely to respond? whitney

29. What books are you reading? a couple of anthropology books and chemistry

30. Piercing? no

31. Favorite Movie? blues brothers

32. Favorite baseball Team? Atlanta Braves

33.What were you doing before this?? spanish

34. Any pets?nope

35. aim? yes

36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? butter and salt

37. Dogs or cats? dogs

38. Favorite Flower?

39.Have you ever been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to?? yes,

41.Have you ever loved someone? yes

42. Who would you like to see right now?? alot of people

43. Have you ever broke a vow to yourself? yes

44. Have you ever fired a gun? numerous times

45. Do you like to travel by plane? i prefer road trips

46. Right-handed or Left-handed? right

47. If you could be with someone right now, who would it be? it's more like alot of people

48. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2

49. Are you missing someone? ya

50. Do you have a Tattoo? no