it's a birthday!

October 01 2005
today's my dad's birthday!!! wish i was home... but he's not there anyway, so i guess that's ok... i also wish that i had been paid more than $16 in the last 6 weeks so that i could send him somethin special... but c'est la vie. instead, i think everyone should call and leave him a happy birthday message! ;) ok, so many of you don't know him, but some of you do! and you know he's the greatest! 243-1811... any takers?
so allison is teaching me to list good things in the morning... when we walk to our terrible 7:40 class together, we try and list the good things about the day... so let's see... it's saturday! that's good enough as it is! i'm going to wear my new jeans that i found last night (in a surprisingly short amount of time)... i already ran today... it's gorgeous outside... my favorite little brother and favorite little brother's girlfriend (and family) are in chicago!... only 6 more days until fall break!... its free weekends!... (?)
ok, i'm not real creative right now. not bad, tho... alright. back to trying to get ahold of my dad!

yay for being able to login again!!

September 28 2005
life is insane. i just started my 45 hour practicum today and it is AMAZING! my teacher is awesome! i'm so excited! more on that to come, i'm sure...
the parents were here this weekend - it was nice! we went to the museum of science and industry - very cool! my favorite chicago museum so far! and we ate at the FlatTop Grill - which is always fun!
AND! justin and jami are coming tonight!!!! i miss them SO much! i cannot wait!
AND i'm going to see "The Merchant of Venice" at the Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier tonight! i LOVE Olivet's fieldtrips!
Okay... tons to do! to be continued.......


September 19 2005

photo from bouclee
this is my best friend. and this is why.
she is amazing. seriously. you all should get one.

Lord I want to YEARN

September 17 2005
holy design
this place in time
that I might seek and find my God
my God

Lord I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
over You and only You
Lord I want to yearn

Your joy is mine
yet why am I fine
with all my singing and bringing grain
in light of Him

oh You give life and breath
through Him You give all things
in Him we live and move
that's why I sing

Lord I want to yearn

things are getting brighter

September 07 2005

my roommates gave me flowers! and a sweet card!

photo from bouclee
today in chapel we sang how great is our God... love that song. and then they added the love of God. wow. it hit me, as i was singing how measureless and strong just how strong His love is. that there's nothing i can do - no attitude i have or emotions i feel - that can extinguish that love. nothing. this morning i asked God to meet me today - and He did. darin had sent me these great verses about crying out to God - so i did. i wrote down everything i had been feeling and what i so desperately wanted God to do and He answered through this song. i had this thought - of God's love being like a firm grip on my life - something that i cannot shake. it is powerful, secure, unyielding, intense, fervent. i usually see His love as such a gentle, caring thing. and while it is that, today i realized that it's so much more. that He has a hold of me within that love and that He is not letting me go anywhere. i still feel sort of melancholy. but it sure feels good to be aware of His presence.

Could we with ink the ocean fill
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade

To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song

selfishness is the worst

September 03 2005
quick update from last time - my great-grandmother is still holding on - barely though. my mom told me this morning that her eyes have glazed over - there's no color in them whatsoever - no pupil or anything. i think that might be the creepiest thing i have ever heard. so this weekend may be tough - keep my family in your prayers please!
and as far as prayers go you can add me to that list as well. i don't know what the deal is but i am having the hardest time lately. it is so frustrating. i know that the devil knows my weakest points - and, gosh darnit, if he hasn't hit me the hardest in those areas right now... it's awful. i don't usually ask for encouragement, but if you've got something right now i'd be okay with that. i feel so lost, lonely, unwanted... and i know it's satan. i know it is. i keep getting ahold of that for a little bit, but then i just lose it again. i need to conquer it. but i'm not there yet. it's a completely selfish thing. i know that. and i hate it. but i can't get on top of it.
life is not all bad, though. don't get my wrong. some really awesome things are happening - as always. that just seems to lurk in the back of my mind... and perhaps over my heart... and comes out frequently. for now i have laundry to do. and homework. and i'd like to get my room put together. and it's free weekends, maybe i need to make a few phone calls home... and to OKC of course. and florida. why are my friends so far away??

home sweet home.

August 24 2005
i love tennessee. and i love not working. and i love not going to class. and i love my family. and i love darin. this has been a nice week.
however... if you could pray for my family, that would be great... my great-grandmother (mom's side) is dying - we got the call sunday. she's in her 90's... been very sick for as long as i can remember... so it's really a relief, just a lot of things to take care of and such. my grandma takes care of my grandpa full time so it's hard for her to leave him and take care of her dying mother... especially without feeling bad. soooo... ANYHOW! prayers would be great, thanks!
more on this trip to come.....

the best on the PLANET.

August 15 2005

photo from bouclee
so. ever since junior year of high school, when i heard about this magical place that was just out of my reach... and then the seniors went there... i've had this dream of the day when my life would be completed, and i would get to go to cedar point. heck yeah i went to "the best theme park on the planet"!! :) and it was awesome. lemme tell you about it...
first of all, it was a gorgeous day. i only got slightly toasted, which is a pretty big feat for me. darin and i went to sandusky with his mom, kady, and brady... and it was a blast! we started with Millenium Force...

photo from bouclee
and i would have to agree. fast, smooth, thrilling... definitely a good one! the newest addition to the largest amusement ride park in the world is maXair...

photo from bouclee
kind of an interesting way to turn your stomach in knots... swingin from a gigantic pendulum while rotating counter-clockwise. 70mph. 140ft. definitely unique. but not quite as unique as the WickedTwister

the incredible shrinking room

August 09 2005
so. i have been moving ALL day. feels like the longest day EVER. but i finally have everything out of my old apartment and into my new. now to unpack! must get done tonight... tomorrow i work... then we're heading to ohio... and on thursday we're going to CEDAR POINT!!! (waaaay excited. i've been waiting my whole life for this)... coming home late thursday... working friday... then picking up the yl girls to stay with me friday night! so yes, the unpacking must be done now. this place is creepy. no one else lives out here - i am not a fan. twice now i have heard loud thuds/crashes... but there's NO ONE ELSE HERE!!! what the heck.
so yeah. the next few days are exciting! saturday i'm sure i'll have lots of catching up with life to do. and sunday carla and lashlee are coming!!!!!!!!! they stay till thursday when darin and i travel back with them to tennessee! :) where we will stay until we leave the next saturday to pick up his sister, kady, in michigan before heading back to school!.......
follow that? holycow. life is insane. great! but insane!
back to hanging clothes and stuffing corners. this room is tiny....

never a good image.

August 08 2005

photo from bouclee

ohmygosh. mom. i gotta go. [click]
excuse me, miss, do you know how fast you were going?
[shaking ridiculously] no, sir, i have no idea
well, i clocked you going over 20 over
um. okay. [still shaking, and in disbelief]
are you okay? can you take a deep breath for me? i need you to calm down
no, i'm okay. i really had no idea i was going that fast. are you sure?
yes. i see you have tennessee plates. what brings you here?
oh. i go to olivet.
oh. you like it?
yes sir.
i also saw you were talking on your cell phone. it's a new law that under 18 can't do that. but i guess olivet makes you older than that. so i just wanted to check. be careful on those things though
yes sir.
well, miss, i'm going to need to see your license and insurance card. have you had any written warnings or tickets recently?
oh yes. [shaking so badly i can't even get my insurance card out of my wallet.]
i figured as much. okay. here, let me help you with that. it'll be okay. let me just go back here and check on a few things.
HOURS LATER, now in tears...
well, what brought you to onu, cassie?
um. i wanted to go to a christian school. my parents and brother went here.
what's your major?
english education.
high school, huh? interested in youth ministry?
yes sir. i even took a couple classes. just for the knowledge.
you like christian music?
yes sir. expecially worship.
did you go to shinefest?
no sir. i was actually out of town.
oh. well, you should have gone. i took my wife and son and it was great. if i told you that i wouldn't give you a ticket would you promise to go next year?
what? really?
no, just kidding. but you really should go.
do you think you deserve a ticket today, cassie?
of course. i really didn't think i was going that fast, but i was still breaking the law either way. i deserve one. i just REALLY don't want one.
well, i really don't want to give you one. i see the shape you're in and feel kinda bad for you. but listen, see that subdivision over there? that's where i live. so my wife and son could pull out of there at any time. will you slow down for their sake?
oh yes sir. i'm so sorry.
good. it's okay. and i'm gonna let you go today. you can start breathing now. it was good to meet you. good luck with teaching high school. and keep God first.

whew. God takes care of me. and sometimes in ridiculous ways. wow. :)

calm yourself.

August 06 2005
never fear. i am not lost. just busy. well, perhaps a little lost in thought. i have been doing MUCH thinking lately. it is possible that a post is coming on all this. stay tuned...

for now, here is a picture for your enjoyment. or maybe just mine. introducing...


photo from bouclee
(giant beans, right??)

aubree the poetic genius

July 28 2005
i finished my unit!! this probably means nothing to most of you, but what it really means is that i'm finally done with the spring semester! whew.
heather and i are driving to tennessee tonight and i am EXCITED! (though quite disappointed that aubree is refusing to come)...
my shoulders are peeling in a really strange way. i'd like to take a picture, but nothing around me has that ability, so just imagine.. i dunno... a very freckle-ly child (say, me when i was younger).. except all those freckles are white. ok, this is a bad visual. it's weird, that's all i'm saying.
my summer friend, aubree, writes these amazing poems that generally describe our time at work. you should check them out here
they'll make your day. leave her a comment. tell her to switch to phusebox. make poetic requests. whatever. just read it and laugh. and have a fantastic friday!! :)
oh! AND! pray that i don't get a speeding ticket tonight... dad sent me a warning... looks like tennessee troopers are crackin down. and i thought it was bad before...!

working girls

July 26 2005
i'm bored with working here. sometimes i feel like going on strike. so basically, i sit and do nothing. which isn't far from what my actual "job" is. ok, i'm done complaining.
besides. i LOVE the girls here. so it's worth it. tell you what - God knows exactly what you need and when you need it. this summer has been amazing. and after this spring, it was so desperately needed. yet i did nothing to deserve it. this is the "Father" image of God for me. ultimate provider. i don't necessarily need these girls to survive... but what an amazingly gracious gift! kelly informed us today that this may be her last day. i'm not real thrilled. but she gets to leave and do super fun things, so i'm happy for her. :) it's a good feeling to be disappointed that someone's not going to be around. well, kinda. you know what i mean

"Lance" does not = Armstrong! (cuz he's a bad man.)

July 25 2005

tall, handsome, former college basketball player, harvard grad, missionary, and single at 31 --- lance archibald. and his friends (aka -"Team DateLance") are out to "save" him... check this out:
they've even purchased billboards. i've got a boyfriend, so i'm gonna have to pass. but i thought i'd get this out there for any of you who are looking to join leah and heather soon. (cough::carla::)
tonight was more fun with aubree and heather... up in orland... i stepped out on a limb and bought some interesting new shoes which will debut at sarah's wedding this weekend. and we ate chipotle! mmm...
speaking of sarah's wedding - i'll be home this weekend!! :) can't wait for country music, sweet tea, and hills. not to mention family and long lost friends! ahhh... i love it!
it's a hundred degrees here. seriously - this weekend it broke 100... i can't imagine what it feels like at home! last night the toothpaste was just melting off the windows...

shout it from the rooftop...

July 24 2005


watch out for the overwhelming positivity.

July 23 2005
thursday at work i wrote this really cool top ten post - it included ten breaking news stories ranging from my life to ugandan virgins. maybe i'll redo it sometime this week - i have a feeling there's going to be much posting going on... this week is young life camp in georgia. now, you may not know much about yl camp, but you can probably assume that they don't have internet access. which can only lead you to another assumption - that i am not there. this is a sad, true, and long story. i don't wanna talk about it anymore.
anyhow - my #1 on my top ten was this: "LEAH'S ENGAGED!!!!" so i wanted to still get that out there. exciting!!! now you'll have to beg for the rest.
a few things bothering me tonite:
#1 - i suddenly received a subscription to sports illustrated - i figured out today that it came with my cubs credit card. and that i don't have to subscribe because they automatically charge my card. this urks me. that's right - urks.
#2 - aubree and i watched a not-so-great (actually, terrible) movie tonite - however, it contained the song "the blower's daughter" by damien rice. i love this song. and i've heard it before tonight. on something. like a tv commercial - i dunno. please help. things like this drive me crazy.
#3 - when i got to work this morning i was informed that after today the thrift store would be closing. i'm disappointed. where are all those crazy people going to get clothes for practically nothing? who are they going to entertain/drive nuts? and what am i going to do when i don't have to get up early on saturdays? hmm.. ok. but really, i was sad.
#4 - the chicago bears have arrived. this warrants an entire entry itself, so i'll save my ranting on this one.
#5 - my apartment stinks. for real. i bought bleach to attack the mold (which also lends to the centipede infestation) but i feel like it's a big project that i'm not sure i want to get into tonight. maybe tho. ugh. gross.
i'm gonna stop at 5 for a negative list. my top 10 were all good and interesting things. things that bother me don't deserve that much attention. it's gonna be a long week. however - i had a blast with aubree tonight!! she made some incredibly awesome cheesy potato soup and we snuck onto bear's territory and we took some interesting pictures with the biggest green beans ever. yeah. i'm gonna leave you with that ;)

crystal lewis knows

July 13 2005
"It’s encouraging to know that the pain we feel can be used by God in beautiful ways. He wastes nothing, not even suffering."
i ran across this last night as i was searching through old away messages (of all things!)... i have no clue what i had in mind at the time. i can't even remember how recent it was - knowing me, it was probably about something i was going through with a friend. or maybe it was in the fall when i moved-that's probable. i don't even know where it came from. but either way, it made me smile. why? because i was so unhappy! and for me to say that i'm experiencing something emotionally painful WHILE i'm going through it is a pretty big deal. but don't you see - it's not a part of me anymore. and that's not to say that it didn't affect me. because, like the quote says, God uses pain in "beautiful ways" and it's never wasted. i recognize who i have become as a result of past relationships and especially from the move. but i'm not still negatively affected by the pain. that's huge. and encouraging. to me, i see that the things i'm going through right now are not only temporarily painful, but purposeful as well. and i know this. i'm smart. ;) AND i've been raised well. AND i know what my God is capable of. but it sure doesn't hurt to be reminded of it. i've always loved the verse in james 1 that begins "consider it pure joy..." mainly because that's what my name means. but i sometimes forget about the depth of what that verse is saying. "trials" are going to come. but they also go. and i'm never alone in facing them. i have a network of support, led and built by God himself. now that's an awesome thought.
i'm so happy with my life right now. that's why i smiled.
i'm praying for you today. you think "yeah right," but if you're reading this, i promise i am. hold on to God's promise of pure joy. understand what it truly means, and cling to it. cling to him.

WICKED awesome

July 08 2005
sooo... today has been the longest day at work EVER. i don't know what the deal is, but i feel like i've been here for weeks. hah, ok, at least longer than a day for sure. maybe it's because i took yesterday off... :) wednesday night darin and i went to see WICKED in chicago and it was awesome. i don't know what it is about broadway musicals but something absolutely thrills me when i'm there - i LOVE it! and then i spent thursday afternoon in the city, mostly at navy pier, which is one of my favorite places in the world. sounds weird, but something about chicago is almost enchanting to me. hah. i'm a dork. but the past two days were the best i've had in quite some time... and lately life has been good, so that's saying a lot!
today i ate pasta salad. this is new to me. heather stretches my boundaries.
aubree wrote a poem at work today and it's the best. kelly put it on her xanga to share, so i thought i'd share it with the phusebox world as well. so click here and check it out.
i heard the word "envelop" today and remembered my thoughts on feeling God physically envelop you. it's a good thing to be reminded of sometimes. let that one sink in today. :)

word-associating is a blast

July 05 2005
so this is phusebox, huh? i don't really think i need another distraction... what with olivet being on facebook now and all... but i'm doing this in support of nathan. even though i have no friends on here. but i will recruit, right? right. so this is my first post. exciting! how bout an intro to my life:
i'm cassie. hello. i'm studying to be an english teacher, so let's do this vocab-style... sort of word-association as well... here are a few important words in my life:
COUNTRY MUSIC. - what i'm listening to right now, and almost always, and what i miss about...
TENNESSEE. - my home. i love it, convinced it's the best place to call home. i moved there when i was 9, went to northfield, central, oakland, frcs, back to oakland, and even began my college career at...
MTSU. - where i attended for 2 years, majoring in my fair share of departments, loving every minute of it, until i moved on to...
CHICAGO. - which is my favorite place in the world. i love it here, you should come visit me. i live less than an hour outside the city where i go to...
ONU. - olivet nazarene university, that is. where i study english, or at least kinda try to. life is crazy here. kinda like...
YOUNG LIFE. - a great organization. i'm not the best leader, but i'm working on it. and i believe in their mission - high school kids are great! however, my interest lies more in jr high, but anyhow. this is also where i got to know...
DARIN. - my boyfriend. lots of you don't know him, which is a shame. but someday you'll meet him :) he's here for the summer too, delivering ice in his big truck. we have lots of fun together. much like i do with...
LAURA. - my "be fri." this year she went off to OKC, but i forgive her. i left too, right? anyway, she's awesome. the most fantastic girl you will ever meet. and i have the privilege of calling her my best friend. that rocks. she's even mailing me a skirt to borrow. now who does that? she's cool... kinda like...
KELLY. - who is sitting behind me. her name is here to represent all of the awesome girls that i have meet this summer working at the...
SCHOOL OF GRADUATE AND CONTINUING STUDIES. - where i pretty much scan documents for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. it's completely different from any job i've ever had, especially the one at the...
SALVATION ARMY. - where i work in the thrift store. during the school year i work with the shelter kids after school, but for the summer i'm working in the store - which provides an extreme amount of entertainment for 8 hours on saturdays. this town is nuts. i'm sure more stories are to come from this one... this week was semi-tame though. i even got to read...
AN UNQUIET MIND - which is my current book (thanks heather!) i can't wait until i get to
THE END - ok, dumb way to end this little game, but i've run out of connections. and i think i've pretty much summed up my life right now.
woah - except i left out GOD - which is before all of that junk anyway!! whew. that was close. God is top priority in my life. wait, maybe i left him out of the list because he's actually interlaced throughout every one of those things. yep - that's it! :) back to scanning!