word-associating is a blast

July 05 2005
so this is phusebox, huh? i don't really think i need another distraction... what with olivet being on facebook now and all... but i'm doing this in support of nathan. even though i have no friends on here. but i will recruit, right? right. so this is my first post. exciting! how bout an intro to my life:
i'm cassie. hello. i'm studying to be an english teacher, so let's do this vocab-style... sort of word-association as well... here are a few important words in my life:
COUNTRY MUSIC. - what i'm listening to right now, and almost always, and what i miss about...
TENNESSEE. - my home. i love it, convinced it's the best place to call home. i moved there when i was 9, went to northfield, central, oakland, frcs, back to oakland, and even began my college career at...
MTSU. - where i attended for 2 years, majoring in my fair share of departments, loving every minute of it, until i moved on to...
CHICAGO. - which is my favorite place in the world. i love it here, you should come visit me. i live less than an hour outside the city where i go to...
ONU. - olivet nazarene university, that is. where i study english, or at least kinda try to. life is crazy here. kinda like...
YOUNG LIFE. - a great organization. i'm not the best leader, but i'm working on it. and i believe in their mission - high school kids are great! however, my interest lies more in jr high, but anyhow. this is also where i got to know...
DARIN. - my boyfriend. lots of you don't know him, which is a shame. but someday you'll meet him :) he's here for the summer too, delivering ice in his big truck. we have lots of fun together. much like i do with...
LAURA. - my "be fri." this year she went off to OKC, but i forgive her. i left too, right? anyway, she's awesome. the most fantastic girl you will ever meet. and i have the privilege of calling her my best friend. that rocks. she's even mailing me a skirt to borrow. now who does that? she's cool... kinda like...
KELLY. - who is sitting behind me. her name is here to represent all of the awesome girls that i have meet this summer working at the...
SCHOOL OF GRADUATE AND CONTINUING STUDIES. - where i pretty much scan documents for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. it's completely different from any job i've ever had, especially the one at the...
SALVATION ARMY. - where i work in the thrift store. during the school year i work with the shelter kids after school, but for the summer i'm working in the store - which provides an extreme amount of entertainment for 8 hours on saturdays. this town is nuts. i'm sure more stories are to come from this one... this week was semi-tame though. i even got to read...
AN UNQUIET MIND - which is my current book (thanks heather!) i can't wait until i get to
THE END - ok, dumb way to end this little game, but i've run out of connections. and i think i've pretty much summed up my life right now.
woah - except i left out GOD - which is before all of that junk anyway!! whew. that was close. God is top priority in my life. wait, maybe i left him out of the list because he's actually interlaced throughout every one of those things. yep - that's it! :) back to scanning!

Carla Simpson

July 05 2005
yay cassie! i loved that little story...but i have one question - where am i in it!? anyways, i love you and miss you!

Nathan Moore

July 05 2005
Glad to see that you FINALLY made it! Let me know if you run into any problems. We definitely need to hang out if you are in town over Christmas break. later chicago-person.

lisa marie

July 05 2005
hey cassie!!!