working girls

July 26 2005
i'm bored with working here. sometimes i feel like going on strike. so basically, i sit and do nothing. which isn't far from what my actual "job" is. ok, i'm done complaining.
besides. i LOVE the girls here. so it's worth it. tell you what - God knows exactly what you need and when you need it. this summer has been amazing. and after this spring, it was so desperately needed. yet i did nothing to deserve it. this is the "Father" image of God for me. ultimate provider. i don't necessarily need these girls to survive... but what an amazingly gracious gift! kelly informed us today that this may be her last day. i'm not real thrilled. but she gets to leave and do super fun things, so i'm happy for her. :) it's a good feeling to be disappointed that someone's not going to be around. well, kinda. you know what i mean

Carla Simpson

July 28 2005
comment #4568135 ;) i will kinda be around on friday...depending on what time. i have a car appt (my car is sick :( ) at 1 and then i leave for work at 4 but other than that i am free! give me a call tonight either on my cell phone or at 331-1098 before 9. love ya!